ABBA Updates

Building the Next Generation

It was truly the greatest miracle we have ever experienced when 5,000 young Peruvians gathered at an army base in Peru 14 years ago. When we had nothing, our God had everything, and He required us to have faith and obey Him. The following 14 years were challenging as we carried on the work of our Father. Yet, we realized that it wasn’t our work but God’s work, and we were simply enjoying the ride, witnessing what He was doing. During these past 14 years, God inspired and called many wonderful men and women to serve Him through Abba Peru. Pastors and leaders, filled with a desire to join in where God was working, served in many different capacities without any compensation or reward. Despite the demands of their own local churches, families, and personal lives, they joyfully and passionately carried the workload of Abba Peru. We know that this was not possible through human effort and strength alone. It was all God—our awesome and wonderful Abba Father. In addition, God provided the most amazing and faithful sponsors who joyfully and cheerfully gave to expand His kingdom on earth. Now, God has given us another challenge for 2025, and we must have the same faith and obedient hearts to do His will. He desires to gather 500 pastors’ sons and daughters into one place and fill them with the power of the Holy Spirit to expand His kingdom in Peru and beyond. We will obey, and once again, we will witness the power of our God and bring Him the glory He deserves. However, we will need your prayers and support because we know that this is not possible by our own might or power, but only through the work of the Holy Spirit. God desires to raise up the next generation of true disciples of Christ, and we pray that His work will not only be done in Peru and Latin America but also in your homes, churches, and communities. Jesus is coming back soon, but until then, we are called to prepare the next generation for the final battle to fulfill God’s redemptive work of saving lost souls around the world! To God be the glory!

Heal Us Lord!

The conferences are over! We thank the Lord Jesus for healing the hearts of all the youth during the rallies across Perú. It is only by His grace that youth, leaders, and pastors were able to come together to seek and worship our God. Here are some testimonies from some of our youth who attended the conferences: This year’s ABBA conference was very enriching. What impacted me the most was the first teaching. The speaker emphasized very important points about how sin begins and what it entails in our lives. The phrase he highlighted was, “only he who recognizes his condition as illness will know how to value the cure.” The cure to restore our lives is Christ. I had the desire to be healed and renewed. From now on, I want to live for the One who has given His life to heal me from my sins and eternal condemnation. -Joel Rivasplata, Lima Sur I was part of this year’s production team for the youth rally in Satipo. It has been such a tremendous blessing being a part of this ministry. God has kept me in every project we have undertaken for this conference. God showed us His awesome glory. Hearts were touched and healed, and we could sense the presence of the Holy Spirit. It is so important to know God and have ABBA in our hearts. Do not be discouraged! We may face many obstacles, but God will guide your heart if you seek Him. If you want to serve the Lord, do it with all your heart willingly, and you will see how God will use you to bless many youth. -Abel Zambrano, Satipo During this conference, youth from various churches came together to worship our God. We had so much fun participating in different activities, such as the Bible Quiz. Our theme this year was “Heal our Hearts, Lord!” We were taught how important it is to do our devotionals, as it is a crucial time to grow close to our Lord Jesus. I hope this conference happens again, as youth like me really need it. May God be present in all our lives! -Wilma Bautista Valera, Madre de Dios

It Has Begun!

The ABBA youth rallies have begun across Peru, and this year’s theme is “Heal our Hearts, Lord” (Psalms 147:3). In May and June, we witnessed miracles as the Lord touched and healed the hearts of pastors and leaders. Now, we invite you to join us in prayer for the conferences taking place in various regions of Peru this month: May each participant and fellow servant of the Abba Conference experience a personal and healing encounter with God, Abba Father. May God protect each one during their journey and the conference from all danger, temptation, and trial. May everyone leave the Conference filled with the fire of the Holy Spirit and committed to proclaiming the gospel of Christ. May the Holy Spirit take control of every detail of the Conference: Registration, Prayer, Praise, Preaching, Workshops, Ministry, Service, Order, Security, Evaluation, and more. May the power of our Abba Father manifest for His glory, honor, and praise.

Harvest Workers

From May 1st to June 15th, the Abba Perú Pastors and Leaders Conferences ignited a powerful movement of faith and transformation. We witnessed God’s hand touching His dedicated servants. Despite their struggles, God’s word in Psalms 147:3 rang true: “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.” Central to this transformative journey was Dario Espinoza, the inscription commission leader for Lima. His role demanded immense time, patience, and communication to ensure that pastors, leaders, and youth received their devotionals, fostering their spiritual growth. Dario’s dedication, along with the efforts of all the commission workers, has been instrumental in raising the next generation of mighty leaders in Peru. Here is Dario’s testimony: “This is the second year I have had the privilege of serving as the inscription leader for Lima North. I am deeply grateful to God for this opportunity and for the trust placed in me. We are a cohesive team, including facilitators, coordinators, and other leaders and volunteers. This conference has been a tremendous blessing for each of us, enabling us to contribute to the growth of the Kingdom of God. May God continue to bless you greatly.” Through the ABBA ministry, God is doing remarkable work to strengthen pastors and equip them with the tools they need to lead effectively. Dedicated to training and empowering mighty men and women for God’s Kingdom, they are prepared to serve with wisdom, compassion, and unwavering faith. The impact of ABBA’s efforts is evident in the lives of those who attend these conferences, as they leave renewed, inspired, and ready to spread the love and teachings of Christ.

Heal our hearts, Lord! (Psalm 147: 3)

From May to June of 2024, there will be ABBA Conferences held for Pastors and Leaders in the regions of Peru: Piura, Sicuani, Lima, Madre de Dios, Satipo, Oxapampa, Huancayo, Iquitos, Tarapoto, Arequipa, Cusco, and Puno. Please pray for the Lord to do His will during these conferences. May Jesus touch all the hearts of the participants who may be going through difficult times and struggling physically, financially, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. All for the glory of our ABBA Father. To raise an army of the Kingdom of God, for the proclamation of the Gospel of Christ, based on the Word of God, and moved by the Holy Spirit! Prayer Requests: 1. May God protect each participant and cast out all worry, distraction, fear, or danger from the ABBA conferences. 2. May all the participants leave the conference filled with the fire of the Holy Spirit and committed to proclaiming the gospel of Christ. 3. May the Holy Spirit take control over every detail of the conferences. 4. May the sovereignty and healing power of our Abba Father be manifested for His glory, honor and praise.

Help us to bear fruit Lord!

The start of RECOFA was off to an uncertain start. Pouring rains and violent protests resulted in hesitant hearts as many coordinators and sub-coordinators wondered if they would be able to fly and make it safely to the retreat center in Lima. There was nothing else other than pray. And our Lord is faithful to those who ask, and He removed all the doubt, silenced the protests, and blew away the rains so that RECOFA could meet! After the powerful RECOFA meeting ended, the coordinators and sub-coordinators all returned safely to their regions, excited for the next steps. Join us in prayer as we pray for the upcoming pastors conference in April, May, and June and the youth rallies in July, August, and September. Just as the Lord pushed aside the obstacles for RECOFA, may He clear the way for the thousands of youth to come to Him and bear much fruit!

Pray with Us!

Our God has been working to save the sinners and give the eternal life. He has been inviting His chosen people to join Him in His mighty work and we are ever so grateful that He called us to share Jesus to the poor and needy and struggling children and youth. We need the Holy Spirit to accomplish what our God has called us to do. Will you please join us in prayer for our Holy Spirit to move in mighty ways?

Bible-Loving Youth!

According to PEW and PONCE, over 82% of Christian Americans only read their Bible on Sundays while in church. What’s more surprising is that only 38% of all evangelical pastors read their bible on regular basis. And only 26% of pastors are having personal devotion time in the word of God. Can you imagine what that percentage would look like when it comes to our next generation? Abba Peru was all God’s doing and He commissions us to help the next generation to become lovers of the Bible by reading and meditating God’s word daily. By our God’s divine guidance, we have been printing daily devotional material for all the Abba Peru participating youth for the past 10 years. It’s called “ECAP” which stands for Encountering the Abba Father! We want our next generation to encounter living God who is their heavenly Father through His living words so that they will have a victorious life on this earth as children of God. We have just finished distributing ECAP for the second semester of 2022 to all 15 regions of Peru and Ecuador. One of the youth leaders in Huancayo, Peru wrote: “We can’t thank you enough for providing these beautiful meditation books for our youth. This is something we never dreamed of having. Our youth are changing and growing stronger in their relationship with our Lord. Please tell those who are involved with this generous gift thank you very much!” Please pray that our next generation will spend quality time in the Word, not in the worldly things! And thank you for your faithful support to this ministry. God bless you.

Victory Will Be Ours!

It was 2009, about 13 years ago, when our God forcefully opened our eyes to see what He wanted us to see. So many poor children supported by wonderful sponsors, growing up to become children of Jesus, were being lured into the enemy’s temptation as they drifted away from God’s love. And in 2010, our God did something unimaginable as He used us to start Abba Peru Youth Training. And it’s been 12 years since then. Our God is still working powerfully. And He hasn’t stopped working even while the world was on lockdown during the COVID pandemic. Now, our God opened all the doors for Abba ministry once again in 2022. Last March, all the Regional Directors of Abba Peru (RECOFA) gathered in one place to seek His face and will for 2022-2023 season. Then, in May, Dedicated Youth and Leaders Training (CEJA) was held in Lima after two years of forced closure. At the same time, from May 7th, Abba Peru Pastors and Leaders in-person conferences began in Paucartambo, Peru and it will continue until the end of June. Of course the long awaited and eagerly anticipated Abba Peru Youth Conference will start in June and occur through August in all 13 regions of Peru. When Jesus was crucified and buried on that afternoon, Satan thought that he had defeated Jesus for good. But he didn’t know what was going to happen just three days later. Now, Satan thinks that he is winning the battle to take away the next generation from God’s presence and into the depths of sin. But he didn’t know that our God was going to raise up Abba Peru. It is our greatest desire that you will experience God’s great victory as you will join God in His mighty work through your fervent prayer for this year’s Abba Peru and CEJA! Praise the Lord!

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