Pray with us!

Our God has been working to save the sinners and give the eternal life. He has been inviting His chosen people to join Him in His mighty work and we are ever so grateful that He called us to share Jesus to the poor and needy and struggling children and youth. We need the Holy Spirit to accomplish what our God has called us to do. Will you please join us in prayer for our Holy Spirit to move in mighty ways?

As we were making much progress in this new project, we ran into a river… actually! This is monsoon season for Ecuador. The rain will pour all day long and all month long and much of the areas become impassable as the streets will turn into a river. Please pray that our work will continue inspite of this situation.

We are preparing to print the next edition of daily meditation booklet for the youth of ABBA. Please pray that the Spirit of God will equip all the writers, editors, designers, and printers with His divine wisdom and understanding that this booklet will transform many youth!

Our God is opening a new door to Mexico. Our team will be making our first visit to a rural community of Juarez during March 13 through 15. Please pray for God’s presence and revelation during this trip.

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