Heal Us Lord!

The conferences are over! We thank the Lord Jesus for healing the hearts of all the youth during the rallies across Perú. It is only by His grace that youth, leaders, and pastors were able to come together to seek and worship our God.

Here are some testimonies from some of our youth who attended the conferences:

This year’s ABBA conference was very enriching. What impacted me the most was the first teaching. The speaker emphasized very important points about how sin begins and what it entails in our lives. The phrase he highlighted was, “only he who recognizes his condition as illness will know how to value the cure.” The cure to restore our lives is Christ. I had the desire to be healed and renewed. From now on, I want to live for the One who has given His life to heal me from my sins and eternal condemnation.

-Joel Rivasplata, Lima Sur

I was part of this year’s production team for the youth rally in Satipo. It has been such a tremendous blessing being a part of this ministry. God has kept me in every project we have undertaken for this conference. God showed us His awesome glory. Hearts were touched and healed, and we could sense the presence of the Holy Spirit. It is so important to know God and have ABBA in our hearts. Do not be discouraged! We may face many obstacles, but God will guide your heart if you seek Him. If you want to serve the Lord, do it with all your heart willingly, and you will see how God will use you to bless many youth.

-Abel Zambrano, Satipo

During this conference, youth from various churches came together to worship our God. We had so much fun participating in different activities, such as the Bible Quiz. Our theme this year was “Heal our Hearts, Lord!” We were taught how important it is to do our devotionals, as it is a crucial time to grow close to our Lord Jesus. I hope this conference happens again, as youth like me really need it. May God be present in all our lives!

-Wilma Bautista Valera, Madre de Dios

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