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So far longala has created 390 blog entries.

A Bruised Reed

Piura is a city on the northern border of Peru, adjacent to Ecuador. Due to the climate change, Piura has been hit hard by heavy rain and flooding. There is a church where our COJ Children are gathered to worship our God. It is the “Bread of Life Church.” This church has suffered greatly due to the rain and flooding. Their worship place is in terrible shape. The roof is leaking terribly and the walls are covered with smelly molds. And the children worship God in this terrible condition. No one knows how much longer they will last. There is no hope for them that things will get better. The church is so poor, and their pastor is one of the poorest in that community. We are reminded of a verse in Matthew. “A bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out.” (Matt 12:20) The “Bread of Life Church” is perhaps this bruised reed. This reed shows no sign of surviving. This wick has no hope of burning brightly once again. But our God is merciful and gracious. He desires to heal this bruised reed and rekindle this smoldering wick. He therefore called us. And He inspired and moved our hearts to rebuild their worship place. The construction has begun to provide a cleaner, safer, and more spacious environment for them to worship. And we want to thank you, all the sponsors, for being the channel of God’s love and power to these bruised reeds all over the world. Please pray that the construction will be finished in time before the rain comes again. We will bring you the joyous news next month.

The Next Chapter

On December 9th, Riverside Tree scholars gathered through Zoom to worship our God and sing Christmas songs to our Lord Jesus. They also competed against one another in Bible Trivia to test their knowledge of God’s Word. Afterwards, a sponsor had a few words to share to spur these college students on, especially the ones that were graduating college. We know that the world is a dark place with the enemy prowling around looking for someone to devour (1 Peter 5:8). He is out to destroy Christianity and lead believers astray with the temptations of this world. But God’s Word says to “not conform to the pattern of this world” (Romans 12:2). God also tells us: “You adulterous people, don’t you know that friendship with the world means enmity against God? Therefore, anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God. Or do you think Scripture says without reason that he jealously longs for the spirit he has caused to dwell in us?” (James 4: 4-8) Let’s pray for these college students and graduates, that with their craft and gifts God has given them, that they would not serve the world, but would always be convicted to serve God and be led by His Holy Spirit. Let everything they do in their lives glorify God. (1 Cor. 10:31) Here is a letter from a Riverside Tree graduate. All the Glory to God!

Channel of Blessing

“A bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out, till he leads justice to victory. In His name the nations will put their hope.” (Matt. 12:20-21) When our Lord opened the door to Ecuador we were so excited and had great expectations. But the reality was quite different. Even before we started anything there, we wanted to give up. We had to be on our knees once again and sought the face of our God. And the inspiration came that if Jesus was here on this earth now He would visit the people in those areas. We obeyed the Holy Spirit and began our COJ ministry there. However, we were faced with Goliath once again. We started preparing and purchasing all the wonderful Christmas gifts for the children since early October. Then, we received a message from our staff in Ecuador. “We have no means to deliver the gifts to the children now. Since early fall drug cartel members from Columbia and Mexico have invaded the communities where our children live and they are killing people indiscriminately. All the taxi drivers and bus drivers refuse to go to these communities. What should we do now?” As soon as we received this message, we immediately boarded a plane to Ecuador. Somehow we knew that we had to shut the project down and leave the country. Then, the Holy Spirit spoke to us again when we got there... “If you abandon these children then they have no hope. Before greater darkness overwhelms them, you must plant the gospel of Jesus in their hearts for them to have eternal hope. That’s why I sent you here! I will be with you!” We realized that unless we become a channel of life and blessing for them, they had no hope for their future. Who wants to be born into these situations and live there with such fear and anxiety? But if Jesus is planted in their hearts they will live a blessed life of having the assurance of salvation in Jesus Christ our Lord. A new year has dawned. And we pray that God will continually use us to bring a message of hope and life to many children living in such darkness throughout 2024. And as we wish you a happy and blessed new year, we ask you to remain with us and continue to be a channel of blessing to many children in great need. God bless you!

God’s Work in India

After baptizing over 35 people in November, Pastor Abraham’s health took a toll, and he was hospitalized after suffering a heart attack. As he was recovering in the ICU, Pastor Abraham’s heart was solely focused on all the poor children and families he would not be able to minister to during his absence. However, God’s mighty hand healed him, and in a span of merely a month, Pastor Abraham has: Preached in 7 remote villages Celebrated the birth of Christ with the Amazing Grace orphanage and reached out to over 800 children in the community Provided over 100 bibles to families in the community Fed over 1,000 people on Christmas and New Year Provided 70 tribal pastors and their wives with new sets of clothing While his health is not fully recovered, he remains diligent in doing God’s work until God calls him home. We pray for Pastor Abraham to continue to be a mighty channel of blessing for all of India as he proclaims God’s great love in 2024! Join us in prayer for Pastor Abraham to experience full restoration and healing through the Great Doctor above!

Save India!

Pastor Samuel Abraham and Christians all across India gathered in prayer and fasting over four days, October 18 to 21. They prayed for the churches to be strengthened in their faith in God, for the Gospel to be proclaimed to unbelievers, and for Christians in the state of Manipur. In mid-2023, Manipur hit international headlines when violence erupted between tribes in the eastern region. There were numerous cases of rape, torture, and murders between the tribes. While these cases were heart-breaking as is, there was another side of the conflict that was left unreported. Beneath the headlines, more than 500 churches were burned to the ground, over 60,000 Christians were displaced from their homes and scattered, and 150 were killed for their faith. Christians in India are calling it the worst violence against Christians in their lifetime. Many are afraid to receive help from the government because they believe their own central government is indirectly involved in these crimes, although nothing has been confirmed. This is where Pastor Abraham and his fellow pastors and churches come in. They are working on helping the victims in the relief camps to find new homes and provide for them. They are also trying to rebuild some of the razed churches. Please pray for them as well as for all the believers in India as they face these challenging times that they may stand firm in their faith in Jesus Christ; even if it means death!

Thanksgiving Greetings

In this season of Thanksgiving, we would like to express our utmost gratitude to our Abba Father for His goodness and faithfulness in our lives. We thank our God for using us to give life to the least of these. As Deuteronomy 15:10-11 reads, “Give generously to them and do so without a grudging heart; then because of this the Lord your God will bless you in all your work and in everything you put your hand to. There will always be poor people in the land. Therefore I command you to be openhanded toward your fellow Israelites who are poor and needy in your land.” Let us be obedient to God’s command and continue to give generously and cheerfully to the poor and needy. May the Lord pour His love, grace, and blessings upon us as we continue to be joyful givers to build His Kingdom. With all of our thanks and love, HHK World Mission Center

Battle on our Knees

Today, we are witnessing the wars and rumors of wars, the increasing social conflicts and violences in many countries, various natural disasters and unknown diseases and this raises our concerns about the future of our next generation as well as ours. And the new weapons that are attacking our next generation: gender ideologies that confuse the Biblical definition of "gender", the negative influences of social media that almost monopolize children's attention and time, the increasing uncertainty caused by the development of advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence, etc. also give us an idea of the ferocity and brutality of the spiritual attacks they will face. Will our next generation be able to win that fierce spiritual battle? How can we, who have been called by God to be their parents or their forefathers of faith, help them to win this battle? We can find two lessons in the Bible through the stories of exploring Canan (Nm. 13~14) and of the war against the Amalekites (Ex. 17). Only do not rebel against the Lord. And do not be afraid of the people of the land, because we will devour them. Their protection is gone, but the Lord is with us. Do not be afraid of them.” (Nm. 14:9) “Moses said to Joshua, “Choose some of our men and go out to fight the Amalekites. Tomorrow I will stand on top of the hill with the staff of God in my hands.” (Ex. 17:9) Our next generation is under the attack of the blast of the world and of the deceitful schemes of the enemy. And we are to stand firm in front of them, next to them, and behind them, being an example of believing, trusting and obeying God. We should also pray for them, just as Moses, Aaron, and Hur raised their hands in prayer for Joshua in his battle against the Amalekites. The Day of Prayer of ABBA is a prelude to the spiritual warfare for the next generation through our united prayer of crying out for them. From this day on, we should pray even more fervently and earnestly, encouraging one another through trials and sufferings, so that our next generation may fight the fierce spiritual battle and stand firm to the end as God's children and God’s Army and join the eternal life with our good and faithful Abba Father. We will continually pray. And together with our next generation, we will surely see the final victory in Jesus, our Lord and Captain. “My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth.” (Ps. 121:2)

In the Eagle’s Nest

In August, the 2023 mission trip team returned from 14 days of seeing God work in the Satipo and Huancayo areas of Peru. While many songs were sung, dances danced, and Bible stories taught, there was a story of a young girl and her family that captured the hearts of the missionaries. Araceli, a six-year-old girl living in Satipo, had lost her mother during the pandemic. Her family was forever changed. Their father, Mario, fell into a deep depression. Their oldest sister, Susaly, took over caring for her siblings while their father was far away for work. In their small rented shed behind the Satipo church, they shared a room on some old mattresses. It was during the mission trip that Mario accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior, answering his daughters’ and their mother’s desperate prayers. Araceli’s story touched the heart of a sponsor who wanted to help Araceli and her family. Last month, Araceli and her family were added to our Eagle’s Nest program where they will receive monthly aid to help supply their family with food and school supplies. Susaly will also receive enough support to resume her college degree. Also, one of the first things Araceli and her family received was new mattresses. God is so good! We continually pray for hundreds of families like Araceli to experience the love of our amazing God.

Road To Recovery

Back in July 2023, missionaries from Denver, Colorado met a special family in Juarez, Mexico. We met a young girl named Gracia with her two siblings named Kayla and Marcos. These children were left without parents. Their father had been killed as he was involved in the darkness of Juarez. Their drug-addict mother, Carmen, was kidnapped weeks before we arrived. After leaving Juarez and praying for her, we heard amazing news that she was found alive. However, she had been extremely drugged, raped, and left for dead. We always thank God for His faithfulness in keeping her alive, and we knew there was going to be a long road to recovery. Since then, Carmen has been placed in rehabilitation. We praise God that a few donations were poured out from our church here in Denver. Because of God’s faithfulness, her last day in rehab will be on November 1st. Little by little, she has been regaining her strength. Because of the circumstances, Carmen and her children have been surviving day by day with provisions from the church in Juarez. Right now, they abide in their very humble home living day by day. We have faith that Jehovah Jireh will continue to be their provider. We ask that you please continue to pray for this family and if God moves your heart to support Carmen and her three children, please reach out to HHK WMC to see how you can help at 303-757-0777 or at coj.org

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