Vietnam Visit: God Touching Lives

Stepping onto the soil of Ho Chi Minh for the first time, we felt a rush of emotions – excitement, anticipation, and a level of nervousness. We wanted to know what God wanted us to do here, especially for an orphanage nestled amidst the lush greenery of the countryside.

As we entered the “Glory to the Lord” orphanage doors, we were greeted by the smiling faces of orphanage staff and children who had faced more hardship and adversity in their short lives than most of us could ever imagine. Yet, despite their circumstances, there was a sense of joy and resilience that permeated the air, a reflection of the love and happiness they found in our Heavenly Father.

Walking through the corridors of the orphanage, we were struck by the simplicity of their lives – bare walls adorned with loving photos, colorful cabinets filled with their clothes, and beds neatly arranged in rooms. It was a stark reminder of the privilege and abundance that many of us take for granted, and yet, amidst the simplicity, there was a richness of love that filled the air.

As we spent time with the children, we were humbled by their generosity and their capacity for love. Despite their own struggles, they had a sense of compassion and empathy that touched our hearts in a very loving way. And we fell in love with them right on the spot.

But perhaps the most profound moment of our visit came when we sat down with the orphanage director to learn more about their needs and challenges. As she shared the stories of the children – their hopes, their dreams, and their struggles – our hearts were moved with compassion, and we knew that God has a heart for the people of Vietnam.

And so, dear sponsors, we urge you to join us in prayer for God’s direction for this orphanage and the people of Vietnam. Please pray for wisdom and discernment in how we can best serve their needs and for God’s provision and protection over these precious souls, that they may grow and thrive in an environment of God’s love and care.

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