India: God’s Abounding Grace
It was our revisit to India in four years. Covid had shackled our feet for many years, preventing us from visiting the orphanage children and tribal village churches and pastors. Meanwhile, Pastor Abraham had a severe heart attack, and we knew God was calling us back to India. While visiting and encouraging Pastor Abraham, we also wanted to visit the orphanage children and the construction sites of the tribal village churches.
The first church we visited was in a village called “Cummanivani Palem.” We drove at least 2.5 hours through uncharted territory to get there. It was an astounding site of instant discouragement. There isn’t enough space on this page to share all the details.
Pastor Vijay Paul and his wife are in their early 30s. When he told his parents and family about his conversion to Christ, they expelled him from the family. Not only that, but they were attacked in every possible way by the enemy. Subsquently, Pastor Paul lost three children due to difficult situations, but they couldn’t turn back from following Jesus as their Lord and Savior.
Later, they were called to ministry. After studying under Pastor Abraham in the Bible school, they moved to the village of “Cummanivani Palem.” Altogther, there are about 80 families who had no idea who Jesus was. They had no house to live in. They had no running water to drink from. However, they knew they were called to give their lives for the salvation of the village people. They put up a tent and traveled three miles each day just to draw water to survive. They also knocked on all 80 houses’ doors. The Holy Spirit worked, and people started to turn their hearts to Christ! Hallelujah!
One elderly couple received Jesus as their Lord and Savior, and the first thing they did was to donate their land for church building. However, they had no resources to construct a church. That is when the Lord sent us there! Isn’t He so good and faithful? We already dug a bore well for them, and now they have fresh water! Hallelujah! Please pray that we will be able to support the church and small parsonage building project soon. To God be the glory!
Praise Report:
One of God’s faithful servants was moved in their hearts by the Holy Spirit and gave a generous offering to provide a car for Pastor Abraham so that he can now go back to those tribal villages without worrying about his heart condition while riding a motorcycle. We give all the glory to our God!