Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star

We are well aware of the situation in Guayaquil, Ecuador. The criminal activity of major drug cartels has escalated to the point that all citizens live in fear for their safety and security. Tragically, even elementary school children have been killed for refusing to obey the orders of these gangsters to transport drugs. Despite these dangerous circumstances, our COJ churches are bravely facing the situation. They are continually sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with the people of their communities and doing their best to help the children live in faith and hope. There is one church in particular that is in great need of… I can’t find the words to continue that sentence... Please take a look at the pictures on this page, and perhaps you can fill in the blank. Pastor Balon and the children are praying for a safer and cleaner place to worship our God and shine the light of Jesus to the people in the community, helping them find hope and life in this difficult time. COJ wants to be the channel of God’s mercy and favor to this church and the children there, encouraging them to be the twinkling little stars in the darkest nights of Guayaquil.

An Unknown Village

The region of Huancayo sits amidst the Andes Mountains at an altitude of approximately 11,000 feet, about a 10-hour bus ride from the capital city of Lima. Currently, COJ supports four churches in that region. This year, we received a request to support a church that had absolutely no resources, located about a two-hour drive from Huancayo. Despite our busy schedule leading pastors’ conferences in four different cities, we decided to make time to visit this village. The winding, unpaved road proved challenging to drive, and the two-hour journey felt like an eternity. We didn’t even know the name of the village. Nevertheless, Pastor Irma awaited us at the village entrance, so we proceeded with our visit. Upon reaching the meeting place for this church, where approximately 35 children and youth had gathered, all we could do was take a deep breath. Pastor Irma was visiting an old friend in this region when she noticed children lacking both physical and spiritual provision. She was deeply moved by the Spirit of the Lord to go and share Jesus with the children of the village. In the entire village, there is only one elementary school and one church. The gathering space was a tiny area beneath the roof of someone else’s house. It seemed almost impossible to imagine how 35 children could fit into such a small space. Yet, Pastor Irma’s heart is filled with compassion and love for these children, desiring for them to know Jesus and be saved. For the past six months, she had fervently prayed for God to send someone to support these children in their desperate need. Would you please join us in prayer for the expansion of God’s kingdom into this unknown village and for all the children to become the ‘Children of Jesus?’

A New Frontier

Our team was waiting for our flight to Mizamari from Lima. We were on our way to lead the pastors’ conference in Satipo, a region close to the border of Brazil. There was confusion about which gate we were supposed to board the plane. “Which one is it? Is it gate 3 or gate 4?” Then, a young lady who overheard our conversation asked, “Do you need any help?” in fluent English. Of course, we didn’t need her help, but we thanked her for her kindness. As we proceeded through the assigned gate, we boarded a transport bus to the plane. The same young lady happened to be standing right next to us. That’s when the Holy Spirit moved our hearts to speak with her. Long story short, her name was Cesia, and she was working for a company that conducts children’s cancer research. She had completed her master’s degree in the States and was given assignments to work for a few months there and a few months in Peru. Interestingly, she happened to be the daughter of a retired pastor from a region we had never visited before. During our conversation, she said something that we couldn’t possibly ignore. “My parents are retired but still helping out with local churches. And there are 127 indigenous villages, full of extremely poor children. We have been asking many mission organizations and large churches to come and help these children for the past 20 years. However, so far, no one has come. They all refuse to come because our region is considered high-risk. The Holy Spirit inspired our hearts to change our plans for the day and visit some of these villages. We asked, “Would you be able to take us to these villages today? I think God wants to show us something.” Cesia replied, “That would be my pleasure. As a matter of fact, the church my parents are helping out these days is celebrating its 1st anniversary this afternoon, and you can meet them along with the children there.” When we arrived, we realized once again why God orchestrated our encounter with Cesia at the airport. Would you join your hearts with us in prayer to seek God’s will for this new frontier He has revealed to us? Will anyone step forward to help these children in this region labeled as “High Risk?”

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