Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star

We are well aware of the situation in Guayaquil, Ecuador. The criminal activity of major drug cartels has escalated to the point that all citizens live in fear for their safety and security. Tragically, even elementary school children have been killed for refusing to obey the orders of these gangsters to transport drugs. Despite these dangerous circumstances, our COJ churches are bravely facing the situation. They are continually sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with the people of their communities and doing their best to help the children live in faith and hope.

There is one church in particular that is in great need of… I can’t find the words to continue that sentence… Please take a look at the pictures on this page, and perhaps you can fill in the blank. Pastor Balon and the children are praying for a safer and cleaner place to worship our God and shine the light of Jesus to the people in the community, helping them find hope and life in this difficult time. COJ wants to be the channel of God’s mercy and favor to this church and the children there, encouraging them to be the twinkling little stars in the darkest nights of Guayaquil.

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