Jesus, Name Above all Names

Pastor Artemio is 68 years old, and he has been pastoring at Vida Eterna Church in Callao, Lima since 2005. He is compassionate and caring, and his desire is for the children to grow to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior. He’s also a prayer warrior, and he has been a guest speaker for many ABBA youth rallies. But his passion and fire for the youth does not end there. He’s training a group of young people to become missionaries and evangelize to the neighboring communities in 2022. He frequently visits church families, prays with them, and stregnthens their faith in God.

But time to time, adversity may overwhelm us. Towards the end of last year, he was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. In February he started taking medications, but he shared that he hasn’t seen any improvement. However, Pastor Artemio rests in the assurance of the living hope and fixes his eyes on the cross. Though doctors say that there’s no cure for Parkinson’s disease, his hope is not in the words of man but in the Word of the Lord Almighty. We ask you to support him with your prayers as he’s battling this disease. Let’s lift up Pastor Artemio and call upon the name of Jesus, the name above all names!

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