How Can We Give Thanks

Due to the third wave of Covid-19 and political issues, countless thoughts and doubts are filling the minds and hearts of many Peruvian pastors. Our COJ and ROL pastors are no exception. Restrictions have limited many churches from opening their doors. When we started monthly pastors meetings through Zoom this year, we wanted to create a community for pastors where they could build relationship by encouraging one another through prayer, testimonies and meditation sharing. Pastors also lack accountability many times and we hoped they could become one another’s accountability partners.

In the most recent meeting pastors shared their hearts about what a blessing these opportunities have been. Though it’s not the same as being together in person, the online meetings have given them courage to continuously strive together towards the same goal. To keep moving forward with shepherding their sheep – children, youth, families – well despite the circumstances and sharing the good news to those around them. They have experienced God’s mighty hand work in their ministry and personal life through many answered prayers and the supportive community. Thank you for being an integral part of that community. We thank God for you!

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