For His Sheep…

God’s grace is overflowing even during this pandemic. We had not been able to see the Raven of Love pastors face-to-face in a long time, but this year, through Zoom, we were able to gather to celebrate Christ’s birth!

We sang songs of joy and shared our thanksgiving unto the Lord for all He had done in 2020. We remembered that God never stops working. He is always with us, no matter the circumstance or situation we are in, and holds us closely in His arms. For most of the pastors, they were able to see the faces of their sponsors for the first time through a video Christmas greeting recording, and were very encouraged. It is by God’s grace and your continuous support these pastors have held steadfast to the Lord as they continue in ministry.

You are the ravens that God has called to provide for his anointed servants, so they may continue to work more diligently for His sheep and to reach a lost world. We cannot thank you enough for what you are doing in the lives of these pastors as they continue to expand His kingdom here on earth. May our Lord abundantly bless you in the new year with His peace and joy!

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