CEJA (Youth Training Center)

In 2017, God began to stir our hearts to open a training center for youth leaders, to train and equip them to become true disciples of Jesus Christ who would go to the ends of the world with the gospel no matter what the cost may be. It took a couple of years before God set everything in place and we were able to hold the first training. By God’s grace we have been able to fulfill 2 trainings so far and can’t wait to hold more in the near future.


God opened doors to Ecuador through an Ecuadorian pastor who had happened to attend an ABBA youth rally in Peru. Through him, we were led to a crime-ridden neighborhood where an older lady named Carmen was traveling hours to passionately teach children and youth the word of God and give them hope for the future. To date, we have been able to help build them a new sanctuary. We are prayerfully waiting to see how God will use HHK WMC to further reach Ecuador with the gospel of Jesus.


In 2007, Holy Spirit led us to start praying for India. Then in 2015, Pastor Abraham from the small village of Chintaluru somehow got connected with HHK WMC. We know now that the mystery can only be explained as purely a work of God. We thank Him for allowing us to expand the COJ, RT, and ROL ministries to the nation of India, where less than 3% are Christians, to spread the good news of Jesus.


Children of Jesus have been fortifying children by letting them have a stable foundation in Christ through their local church. As children grew into teenagers, fewer programs were offered for them and were being misled by the world until 2010. Our “ABBA” Father wants to rescue our youth and equip them to become mighty warriors for His Kingdom to go to the ends of the earth.

Riverside Tree

Riverside Tree was established in 2009 to financially and spiritually support those among COJ who were pursuing a college education. Like mighty and strong trees planted by rivers of life-giving water (Jeremiah 17:8), we help students become godly leaders and professionals grounded in the life-giving word of God, who bear good fruit in their communities and spheres of influence through the gospel.

Raven of Love

As we worked with churches, we realized many pastors had to work full-time in order to provide for their families. Despite their desire to spend more time in ministry, especially with the children, they were limited by the financial barrier they faced. Just as God used the ravens to provide for his prophet, Elijah, God led us to become “raven of love” for His anointed servants who were struggling and in need.

Father’s House

After Eagle’s Nest ministry began, God also showed HHK WMC that some of His people, the family of God, lacked a “place…to dwell” (2 Chron. 6:2) and worship together in His presence. Father’s House aids churches to build or renovate their houses of worship.

Eagle’s Nest

As we started helping children through COJ, God highlighted the family of one of the children whose house was falling apart. Just as birds even have shelter (Psalm 84:3), God desired to give families a “nest” to make their home, and hence Eagle’s Nest ministry was started and continues to this day. We help families who need assistance not only with their homes but also with other obstacles they may be facing to survive as a family.

Children of Jesus

With the establishment of HHK WMC in 1993, the first ministry was birthed through the verse God gave us to give life “to the least of these” (Matt. 25:40) and the passion of Mrs. Hanhee Kim, who desired to share the love of Jesus with hungry children living in poverty so they could live with true hope and joy as “children of Jesus”. Children of Jesus continues to do this through partnering with local churches.

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