
COJ Updates

Dear Beloved of God,

Dear Beloved of God, “I have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers.” (Ephesians 1:16) “May you be filled with joy, always thanking the Father.” (Colossians 1: 11,12) “And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:19) “For

COJ Food Baskets

COJ Food Baskets Whether we enjoy it or not, grocery shopping is a routine part of our lives. It’s because we need to eat food to maintain our health and live. Yet, in Peru these basic and essential foods are becoming less affordable due the inflation the country is experiencing. In fact, it

Hope to the Hopeless

To say times are challenging in India seems like a massive understatement. COVID-19 has hit India hard and the repercussions are devastating. Though it would be easy to get discouraged and feel helpless, Pastor Abraham has been pressing on, looking to serve those who are in greater need than himself. Last month, he was able to buy enough groceries for 60 pastors and their families to last them at least one month. God is using many sponsors to bless his servants and give them hope in what may be one of the most hopeless times in their lives. We thank God, who never stops working in any circumstance through His children that see the spiritual and physical need around them and are willing and eager to be His hands and feet!

Through the Valley of Death!

“Sir, you may have only a few days to live, so you need to get your things in order and make sure to sign all the important and necessary documents.” In the early part of April this year, I had to make a business trip to Lima. When I returned home, I started to show symptoms of Covid-19 and ended up testing positive. I tried to get more rest and take some medicine, figuring it would pass by quickly like the first time I had it. But I was wrong. I only got worse day by day. It was April 26th. I had no choice but to go to the hospital because I could barely breathe. After thorough examination, the doctor told me that my situation was far worse than expected. Then, my doctor shared words my ears couldn’t believe and caused my heart to sink. He told me to prepare for the worst because I may only have a week or so to live. In the moment of despair, the staff from COJ International in Denver called me and prayed for me over a video call. The second time they called to pray for me, I felt the amazing and powerful presence of the Holy Spirit in my body and in my home. My condition started to improve and to the doctor’s surprise I am now Covid-19 negative, on my way to full recovery. It is so good to be able to breathe again on my own. I praise God for hearing and answering the prayers of righteous people. I praise God for He has power to heal the sick. I praise God for His mercy and love endures forever. Only by His grace, I walked through the valley of death and made it out alive. Now, I live for Christ alone and one day, I will die for Christ alone for He is everything to me!

A Good God Who Answers Us

In our previous newsletter, we shared news about the many pastors who had been called home into the Father’s arms during this pandemic. We were saddened because we had prayed hard for them and felt our prayers went unheard or not answered in the ways we desired. However, regardless of how we feel, we know that God hears the prayers of His people and His answers are always good because He is always good. And we must not take it for granted when our heavenly Father does answer us in ways we desperately desired, but must share to testify of it so we bring Him the glory and praise He deserves! Our God is healer. Our God is provider. Our God has heard and answered our prayers. Thank you for continually praying alongside of us. So what do we do now? Keep praying! Without ceasing, in one mind, heart, and spirit, because we know God is a good Father who will continue to hear the cries of His children and answer us according to His good will! Hallelujah!

Only by God’s Mercy

India is home to about 1.4 billion people. This massive country is experiencing the fastest pace of coronavirus infection spreading, facing a deadly health care crisis. As of April 26, 2021, India is reporting 17.3 million cases of coronavirus – with over 5 million of those cases just from April. Funeral grounds are running out of space. So many people are passing away without the opportunity to hear the good news of Jesus, the one who loves them and desires to give them eternal life. Please pray for God’s mercy on the nation of India in this time of immense spiritual and physical need. In addition, we received news from Pastor Abraham that the Central Government of India has closed bank accounts of ministries and designated a bank in New Delhi, the capital, with which they can open a new account. While persecution against Christians is nothing new in India, we are seeing how the government is looking to gain even more control, which will likely lead to even greater persecution for believers. Please lift up the few faithful in India so they may stand firm in the word of God during this difficult season and also for our God to leave the door open for the gospel to spread all around India.

In Memory of: Oscar Alfredo Cabrera Caballero

Pastor Oscar Caballero was a mighty man of God who stood as an exemplar of a good and faithful servant to the next generation. His service to churches in Peru is immeasurable and inexpressible. We are profoundly grateful to God for the life and ministry of Pastor Oscar, who lived and died for the kingdom and glory of our God. He traveled all throughout Peru - from Piura to Arequipa and many cities and towns in between - to encourage and support many young people, leaders and pastors of Abba Peru! Now, he has transitioned from this earth to the glorious kingdom of God and is face-to-face with Jesus Christ, his Savior and ours. It is the meeting he has been looking forward to his whole life. Now, it is time for the next-generation mighty men and women of God to fill his shoes and take the gospel to the utmost parts of the world. One day we will all meet Pastor Oscar again in the presence of our awesome God because our Lord Jesus is resurrected from death and has given us eternal hope!

Carrying Others’ Burdens

Would you be able to tell your entire life story to someone you have never met? It would take a lot of trust, right? One of the encouraging things we have witnessed in the COJ ministry was seeing relationships between sponsors and children who were struggling with their lives blossom. More than ever, sponsors have been intentional in communicating with their children, checking in to make sure they are doing well physically and spiritually. And the response on the part of the children? Truly amazing! They have opened up to their sponsors in their letters, sharing stories of their lives, including details of trials they face as well as joyous experiences; they are unleashing their creativity into designing and drawing their own letter paper. “Though I have not seen him, my heart knows him well.” This is a line I like in a praise song called Soon by Hillsong. Though we have not seen God with our physical eyes, we accepted His invitation into a real and intimate relationship with Him, having been moved by His great and incomparable love. In the same way, I believe the genuine care and love displayed by how you, the sponsors, carry the burdens of the children, as our Lord commanded, has opened up their hearts and uplifted their spirits. We give thanks and glory to God for you!

Father to the Orphans

Mom. Dad. Such simple words, yet they carry tremendous significance. Many of us have taken being able to say these two words for granted. Amongst our COJ partner churches, there are children who have grown up without having such a privilege and some of them faced extra challenges during this current pandemic. God has charged his church to look after those in need, especially the orphans. It is only through the generous giving of faithful sponsors and partners in the ministry that we are able to continue helping children like Bertha, Estani, Baymar and Taylor and express to them His heart– that He is their Abba daddy who is always with them and loves them so dearly. How great our Heavenly Father is! Thank you for being the channel of His love to these children!


God is our ever present hope and shelter. In the midst of the uncertain times, Iglesia Jesús Esperanza de Vida (Jesus, Hope of Life Church) has continued to be a place of refuge and peace for the children and youth in a Guayaquil city community, allowing them rest from the harsh realities they face day-to-day. With more than 60 children and youth gathering at the church, Sister Carmen had to split them into two groups to accommodate for social distancing. Just two years after building a new church building, we are praying to be able to build an extension or a second floor. Please pray with us as we seek God’s direction in this matter and continue to lift up Sister Carmen who is continually moving forward with faith bigger than COVID- for God to fill her with His Spirit always and grant her strength and good health.

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