Building the Next Generation

It was truly the greatest miracle we have ever experienced when 5,000 young Peruvians gathered at an army base in Peru 14 years ago. When we had nothing, our God had everything, and He required us to have faith and obey Him. The following 14 years were challenging as we carried on the work of our Father. Yet, we realized that it wasn’t our work but God’s work, and we were simply enjoying the ride, witnessing what He was doing. During these past 14 years, God inspired and called many wonderful men and women to serve Him through Abba Peru. Pastors and leaders, filled with a desire to join in where God was working, served in many different capacities without any compensation or reward. Despite the demands of their own local churches, families, and personal lives, they joyfully and passionately carried the workload of Abba Peru. We know that this was not possible through human effort and strength alone. It was all God—our awesome and wonderful Abba Father. In addition, God provided the most amazing and faithful sponsors who joyfully and cheerfully gave to expand His kingdom on earth. Now, God has given us another challenge for 2025, and we must have the same faith and obedient hearts to do His will. He desires to gather 500 pastors’ sons and daughters into one place and fill them with the power of the Holy Spirit to expand His kingdom in Peru and beyond. We will obey, and once again, we will witness the power of our God and bring Him the glory He deserves. However, we will need your prayers and support because we know that this is not possible by our own might or power, but only through the work of the Holy Spirit. God desires to raise up the next generation of true disciples of Christ, and we pray that His work will not only be done in Peru and Latin America but also in your homes, churches, and communities. Jesus is coming back soon, but until then, we are called to prepare the next generation for the final battle to fulfill God’s redemptive work of saving lost souls around the world! To God be the glory!