Power of God’s Word!

Isaac Yoshiro, a young man from Tarapoto, Peru, grew up in a Christian family and attended church regularly. Despite his upbringing, spiritual matters often took a backseat in his life. It wasn’t until the pandemic struck and he lost his father to COVID-19 that Yoshiro found himself deeply discouraged and searching for meaning. His turning point came at an ABBA Peru youth conference, where Yoshiro experienced a divine encounter that forever changed his life. God touched his heart, revealing a profound purpose for him. This spiritual awakening ignited a newfound earnestness in Yoshiro to seek God and trust Him completely. Recognizing the depth of Jesus’s sacrifice on the cross, Yoshiro realized he needed a genuine relationship with Him.

Determined to transform his life, Yoshiro committed to reading the entire Bible and seeking God continually. Rediscovering the “Encounter with Abba Father” (ECAP) devotional, which had been collecting dust on a shelf, he found the guidance he needed. Embracing daily devotionals with wholehearted dedication, he embarked on a journey to deepen his communion with God. This renewed dedication to God’s Word and daily prayer transformed Yoshiro’s life. Prioritizing the kingdom of God over worldly pursuits, his spiritual growth and commitment bore fruit. He was accepted into the national university, an achievement reserved for the top one percent of elite students. Additionally, he earned a spot in the prestigious Riverside Tree scholarship program of COJ International.

Yoshiro’s ultimate desire is to heal both the physically and spiritually sick. Through his studies in Human Medicine, he hopes to share the gospel with those who feel all is lost, even in their final moments. His story is a powerful testament to the transformative power of faith and the incredible plans God has for those who seek Him. Praise God for transforming Isaac Yoshiro’s life and guiding him towards a path of faith and service. Hallelujah to our awesome ABBA Father for His wondrous works and boundless grace!

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