After 30 Years…

What is mission? We often asked ourselves this question after serving in the mission field for over 30 years. The answer we reached was somewhat unorthodox.

Mission is about completing a full and perfect circle. We find these words in Romans 11:36: “For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things: to whom be glory for ever. Amen.” All things come from our God, and all things return to Him. It is a complete and perfect circle.

Rain comes down from above, and vapor returns to the ocean. As the earth rotates, the seasons change-spring turns to summer, fall, and winter, and then returns to spring once again. God’s creation of the entire universe deals with circles, not triangles or rectangles. Mission is about giving all, not just part. But the recipient must become a giver one day in order to complete the principle of the perfect circle.

God has used us to serve thousands of children, young people, pastors, and churches. Our prayer from the beginning has been for these churches and nations to transition from being receivers to becoming givers one day. One particular church in the jungles of Peru exemplifies this transformation: Strong Fortress Church in Satipo, Peru.

This spring, God opened a new door for us to share the gospel. There is a region called Pangoa, consisting of 127 tribal villages, that had not yet heard the gospel. Our mission team was blessed to visit this area last week. Something amazing happened: Pastor Reyes and 12 selected youth from Strong Fortress Church were able to join our mission team to serve the children of Pangoa. This marked the first fruits of completing the circle after all these 30 years. We pray that Strong Fortress Church will continue this mission work in Pangoa.

Will you please join us in praying that not only Strong Fortress Church but all the churches that have received your support and love will now be transformed into giving churches so that there will be a harvest of 30, 60, 100-fold for His kingdom? We cannot thank you enough for your faithful support in making the complete circle of His love to all nations and peoples.
God bless you!

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