Harvest Workers

From May 1st to June 15th, the Abba Perú Pastors and Leaders Conferences ignited a powerful movement of faith and transformation. We witnessed God’s hand touching His dedicated servants. Despite their struggles, God’s word in Psalms 147:3 rang true: “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.” Central to this transformative journey was Dario Espinoza, the inscription commission leader for Lima. His role demanded immense time, patience, and communication to ensure that pastors, leaders, and youth received their devotionals, fostering their spiritual growth. Dario’s dedication, along with the efforts of all the commission workers, has been instrumental in raising the next generation of mighty leaders in Peru. Here is Dario’s testimony: “This is the second year I have had the privilege of serving as the inscription leader for Lima North. I am deeply grateful to God for this opportunity and for the trust placed in me. We are a cohesive team, including facilitators, coordinators, and other leaders and volunteers. This conference has been a tremendous blessing for each of us, enabling us to contribute to the growth of the Kingdom of God. May God continue to bless you greatly.” Through the ABBA ministry, God is doing remarkable work to strengthen pastors and equip them with the tools they need to lead effectively. Dedicated to training and empowering mighty men and women for God’s Kingdom, they are prepared to serve with wisdom, compassion, and unwavering faith. The impact of ABBA’s efforts is evident in the lives of those who attend these conferences, as they leave renewed, inspired, and ready to spread the love and teachings of Christ.

We Surrender All

As you are well aware, India has just become the most populated nation in the world, surpassing China by a few million people. Not only that, India is becoming one of the most influential nations in terms of economics, technology, and culture. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has publicly promised that he will lead India to become a one hundred percent hindu nation. Consequently, many Christian organizations and missionaries are pulling out of India due to direct and indirect oppression of Christians. But our God still loves India and the people of India, and He hasn’t stopped working in that nation. God is raising up mighty men and women within India to go and preach the gospel. There are over 40 trained young ministers that COJ is currently working with. Additionally, we have received an email asking us to add 5 more. They are the most dedicated young people for the gospel of Jesus Christ. Even before we were able to share their stories with our sponsors, the Lord provided resources to support them already. One of them travels 3 hours by public transportation and then walks up a steep hill for 5 hours to share the gospel with the tribal village of Konalova. Our God has brought these men and women, who have surrendered their entire lives to preaching the gospel, together with the sponsors who have surrendered their finances to expand His kingdom in India. He is an amazing God, and we praise Him with all of our hearts!

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