A Strengthened Light

In last month’s newsletter, we shared a story of the “Bread of Life” church in Piura, a city in northern Peru that borders Ecuador. After several years of heavy rains and strong winds, the roof and walls were no longer able to provide a safe place for the members of that church to gather together. But God had called and moved our hearts to come to rebuild that worship place, but God had moved so many hearts and changed so many people to achieve His purpose. It started even before the HHK WMC was involved in Piura. A pastor from Piura was in a member of the Christian Military Association, had met, then our Peru director Sister Carmen before and joined in ABBA Peru conference. He was ministering in Piura. So, when another church was torn down from the flooding in 2017, he already knew who could help. And that’s how we were connected to Piura and subsequently to “Bread of Life” church. As we were thinking of what the new church building was to look like, God used people from a generous sponsor in Maryland to a Riverside Tree alumni, who studied architecture in Peru to build God’s beautiful temple. Even during construction, God brought together the church members to help with laying the foundation, erecting the walls, and every step in-between. Small children even came to help spackle the walls. This was more than just getting a new church; it was the gathering of God’s family together. The entire roof was done by a local pastor who attends our ABBA conferences. While all that is missing are a few coats of paint, this all goes to show that while we are never certain of how or who God will use for His purpose; God calls upon all His people to come gathered under His spirit to do His grand work and be the light to this world! Amen.

The First and Greatest Commandment

By God’s grace, the pastors and leaders of COJ ministry gathered together in Lima, Peru for a 4 days 3 nights spiritual retreat in which they were encouraged and convicted to love God and to love the children whom God has entrusted to them. Many, if not, most of the children in COJ ministry have been abandoned by their earthly father and mother. However, as King David confesses in Psalm 27:10, “Though my father and mother forsake me, the Lord will receive me.” May our children know and believe that we have a Father in Heaven who loves and cares for each one of them. During one of the sessions, the Holy Spirit convicted the staff to serve the pastors and leaders by washing their feet as Jesus washed the feet of his disciples. It was a humbling and blessed time in which the Holy Spirit touched the hearts of the pastors as they prayed for each child in their church by name. It is our prayer that all the pastors and leaders will continue to love and diligently teach the Word of God to our next generation so that they won’t be lost but instead, live a humble and obedient life.

Prayer Requests for March 2024

1. Lord, we pray for all the children in the COJ program. Father, let all the children stay strong and healthy both physically and spiritually. Let all the COJ children establish true and personal loving relationship with you. Strengthen and empower all the pastors and Sunday school teachers who are serving these children. Let them have the heart of our Lord Jesus to love children like Jesus would. 2. Lord, we pray for ABBA Peru 2024 pastors and youth conference. Let all the pastors in 13 regions to have unified vision and hearts to raise up next generation mighty people. Let our Spirit be poured out upon everyone attending the conference from May to August. Empower and use all the speakers to deliver your words to bring transformation. Lord, let the fire of Abba spread to all Latin American countries. 3. Lord, we continually pray for the situation in Ecuador. Please protect all the churches, pastors and children from all the extreme violence going on in that country. Lord, let all the material support be safely delivered to the churches and children. Let all the churches be able to continually gather and worship you. Let the children grow up in that situation to become a true light and salt of your kingdom. 4. Lord, we pray for Vietnam and India. If it is your will open the door to Vietnam to start Children of Jesus ministry there. Lead our path to the churches and children that you have your eyes set on in Vietnam. Protect our team visiting Vietnam for the first time from March 4-7. Lord, let the gospel of Jesus be powerfully preached and shared in 100 tribal villages around Chintaluru region. Help pastor Abrahm with his recovery from severe heart-attack and provide him a automobile that he desperately needs to continue the gospel ministry. Help the orphans in India to know that you are their wonderful heavenly Abba Father.

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