In the Eagle’s Nest

In August, the 2023 mission trip team returned from 14 days of seeing God work in the Satipo and Huancayo areas of Peru. While many songs were sung, dances danced, and Bible stories taught, there was a story of a young girl and her family that captured the hearts of the missionaries. Araceli, a six-year-old girl living in Satipo, had lost her mother during the pandemic. Her family was forever changed. Their father, Mario, fell into a deep depression. Their oldest sister, Susaly, took over caring for her siblings while their father was far away for work. In their small rented shed behind the Satipo church, they shared a room on some old mattresses. It was during the mission trip that Mario accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior, answering his daughters’ and their mother’s desperate prayers. Araceli’s story touched the heart of a sponsor who wanted to help Araceli and her family. Last month, Araceli and her family were added to our Eagle’s Nest program where they will receive monthly aid to help supply their family with food and school supplies. Susaly will also receive enough support to resume her college degree. Also, one of the first things Araceli and her family received was new mattresses. God is so good! We continually pray for hundreds of families like Araceli to experience the love of our amazing God.

Road To Recovery

Back in July 2023, missionaries from Denver, Colorado met a special family in Juarez, Mexico. We met a young girl named Gracia with her two siblings named Kayla and Marcos. These children were left without parents. Their father had been killed as he was involved in the darkness of Juarez. Their drug-addict mother, Carmen, was kidnapped weeks before we arrived. After leaving Juarez and praying for her, we heard amazing news that she was found alive. However, she had been extremely drugged, raped, and left for dead. We always thank God for His faithfulness in keeping her alive, and we knew there was going to be a long road to recovery. Since then, Carmen has been placed in rehabilitation. We praise God that a few donations were poured out from our church here in Denver. Because of God’s faithfulness, her last day in rehab will be on November 1st. Little by little, she has been regaining her strength. Because of the circumstances, Carmen and her children have been surviving day by day with provisions from the church in Juarez. Right now, they abide in their very humble home living day by day. We have faith that Jehovah Jireh will continue to be their provider. We ask that you please continue to pray for this family and if God moves your heart to support Carmen and her three children, please reach out to HHK WMC to see how you can help at 303-757-0777 or at

Called to Teach

We received great news from our staff in Ecuador! This past month, the second COJ Sunday School Teachers’ Training in Ecuador has been conducted by God’s grace. The main purpose of this training was to equip the Sunday School teachers to fulfill God’s command to sow the Word of God in the hearts and minds of the next generation whom God has placed under their care Sunday after Sunday. “Imprint these words of mine on your hearts and minds… Teach them to your children…” (Deut. 11:18-19). It was a time of worship and workshops, but also a time for the teachers, leaders, and pastors to be encouraged, challenged, and convicted by the Holy Spirit to continue running the race set before them by our gracious and compassionate God whose heart breaks for those who are lost. However, shortly after the training, we heard heart-breaking news that vicious gangs have threatened the schools in Guayaquil to pay a weekly fine and failure to do so will result in chaos and violence. We immediately started praying, not only for the safety and protection of the children, but also for these gangs to come to know Jesus and repent of their sins and be saved. We believe there’s power in the name and blood of Jesus. Let’s pray that God will heal and restore the land of Ecuador, especially the city of Guayaquil, and that the lost will be found and saved. Let’s also pray that the pastors, leaders, and teachers will be equipped and empowered to raise up the next generation of men and women of God in God’s wisdom, love, and stature.

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