Celebrating 30 Years!

It is hard to believe that 30 years have passed since we first started the Hanhee Kim World Mission Center. I look back with many fond memories of countless children who have fallen in love with God, pastors who serve so humbly despite of their conditions, and servants who strive to follow the path of Jesus every day. I would have never imagined that we would be celebrating our 30th without the loss of someone I held so dearly in my heart. She was a small and poor church pastor’s wife but she had great vision and hope. It was to feed, clothe and educate the poor and needy children of this world. And yet she was called to be with the Father too soon due to severe exhaustion. But our God begun amazing work that only He can do. He moved the heart of a neighbor to give a mission offering of $50 in memory of Hanhee Kim. God sprouted a small seed that fell to the ground and died. Thirty years have flown by since then and we can’t even start to describe all that our God has done. And yet this we can be confident of: Our God is good, faithful and awesome God. He alone deserves to receive all the glory forever and ever! On this special anniversary, we are extremely grateful to our sponsors, sponsor churches, and volunteers. All of this would not have been possible without your support. And a special thanks to our Great Father, in whom we continue to serve faithfully for His Kingdom and Glory!