A Bruised Reed

Columbia is the largest cocaine producing nation in the world. Over 3 million pounds of cocaine is produced yearly. The main port city that exports these drugs to the United States, Canada and Mexico is Guayaquil, Ecuador where our God has led us to start the COJ ministry this past January. Due to the drug trafficking, Guayaquil is filled with crime, violence, corruption and abuse. In fact, many children are victimized by brutal and violent gang members.

Despite theses adversities, there is a pastor who has been fighting hard to protect the children from this unsettling environment with the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. His name is Marcos.

He grew up in a poor family and went through dark times as he was also a victim of drug abuse. But ever since he met Jesus as his Lord and Savior, he devoted his life for the kingdom of God. Unfortunately, his health has deteriorated recently due to inadequate living conditions and health complications – stroke, severe diabetes, and worsening eyesight.

On top of that, he lost his job and ability to make income for his family and ministry. He is faced with the reality of closing the church since he can no longer afford to pay the rent of $180 per month. But we believe and trust that our God who does not break the bruised reed and quench the smoking flax will help pastor Marcos and children of that church. We ask for your prayers and if you heart is moved and convicted to lend your helping hand to this ministry, please let us hear from you.

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