The Greatest Gift of All

Time and time again, God is sovereign and He is always in control. Despite the many obstacles that we faced, including price increases, low supplies, manufacturing delays, and changes in uniforms, God has given us victory. Just in time for the start of a new school year, the uniforms and school supplies have been delivered to the COJ children in Ecuador. The children were so thrilled and excited to receive their gifts. However, as it is written in Ephesians 2:8, “For it is by grace you have been save, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—”, our prayer is that they will all receive the greatest gift of all, the gift of salvation, that was bought with the blood of Christ and freely given to us. Until then, let us continue to spread the Gospel to the ends of the earth by praying, serving, and giving.

Moldy House of God

Unprecedented havoc is happening in Northern Peru and Southern Ecuador as the El Niño is bringing unwanted weather patterns to the regions. The water system has been majorly affected, people are suffering from the lack of drinking water, and the pools of standing rainwater are the best places for incubating millions of mosquitos, the source of the dangerous Dengue Virus. Inflation has hit a record high due to a lack of supply and damaged road systems. Our staff went to the city of Piura last month to assess the situation and to visit our COJ churches and children. One of the churches had holes in the roof, sunken floor, and walls covered with black molds, creating very hazardous environments and conditions for the children worshipping our God there. Our hearts were heavy and troubled thinking about these children and the moldy house of our mighty God. As we prayed for the situation, the Spirit of God inspired our hearts to rebuild the church building for them. As soon as the rain and flooding stop, we want to gift these children a new, clean and safe place for worship and Bible study. If God is moving your heart, will you join Him in this wonderful work? And will you please join us in praying the following prayer? “Lord, let the new house of God be a place where the mighty next generation are trained and raised for Your kingdom and glory.”

Children at the Ends of the Earth

It has been 25 years since the Lord sent us to Peru to start the COJ ministry for the poor children there. We don’t know the exact number of children we have helped since then, but we can confidently share that many poor children are not only proud citizens of Peru, but also of the Kingdom of God! We can see that Peru is no longer a third world country and have been wondering how much longer the Lord wants us to be there. Then, last May, our Lord took us to a place we have never imagined. From the city of Cusco, we drove 3 hours along a very rugged mountain road to one of the ABBA Conference regions of Paucartambo. Then, we travelled another 4 hours to Villcabamba, a community located 4,200 meters (13,800 feet) high in the Andes Mountain. It is known as the last village of the Incas. The Incas were one of the most powerful kingdoms in Latin America some 500 years ago, boasting in their power and skills. But now only a handful of their descendents live in these mountain regions. And there our Lord introduced us to the poorest but the most precious children we have met in the last 25 years. As the thick clouds were moving below the mountaintop we were standing on, these children prayed and received Jesus into their hearts. And there were tears of joy and thanksgiving flowing down our faces, as we experienced a powerful love for the children there. Even though no one else knew about these children at the ends of the earth, our Lord Jesus did. Thank you, sponsors, for joining Christ in His redemptive work even in places like Villcabamba. May our Lord richly bless you!

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