Join Us in Prayer!

Battle on our Knees

Raven of Love

When Apostle Peter was imprisoned, the church earnestly prayed to God (Acts 12:5). As a result, the prison gate flung open and he was freed. Our pastors are at the forefront of the spiritual battle and Satan will do anything and everything he can to destroy and bring down the pillars in the church. In addition to the spiritual battles, our pastors in Peru are also battling a seemingly endless list of diseases such as cancer, diabetes, arthritis, Parkinson’s, and etc. Therefore, let us join forces and pray for the health and well-being of our pastors, that they may be strengthened and encouraged to run the race marked out for them.

Send us Harvest Workers

Children of Jesus Peru

As we are seeking God’s direction for COJ for 2023, He has placed in our hearts to pray for more harvest workers (Matthew 9:37). One of the visions for 2023 is to visit each COJ church in Peru one-by-one and conduct in-person Sunday school teachers training. Just as Elijah had Elisha and Apostle Paul had Timothy, our prayer is that the Sunday school teachers will lead our COJ children by example. Please join us in prayer as we earnestly but humbly ask God to send more workers of the harvest who are God-loving and God-fearing.

To the Unreached People

Children of Jesus India

Today, we are living in the days of Noah before Jesus’ second coming. One of the signs of the end times is that the gospel will be preached to all nations (Mark 24:14). However, in many countries throughout the world, foreign missionaries are being forced to leave or flee their mission fields, and India is no exception with its widespread presence of Hinduism. Therefore, our fervent prayer is that God will raise up local missionaries, such as the bible school students in Chintaluru, who are willing and ready to not only live for Christ but to die for the sake of spreading the gospel in Chintaluru to its neighboring villages and throughout India.

The Road to Panama

Our God is great and awesome God. What He does is always God-size work. Our God built a church in Volcan, Panama to reach the unreached people group there.
And the church has grown by His grace and power.
But there is a need of a pastor to lead the group of Panamanian Indians.

Please pray that Abba/ECAP may send the first foreign missionary to Panama from Peru as we have been working toward this goal for the past 12 years.
If it’s God’s will, He will open the road to Panama to expand His kingdom. Praise the Lord!

RECOFA and ECAP Training and Conference


We want to be faithful to our God’s plan and call to raise up next generation mighty workers for the gospel. The national directors for Abba will gather together from September 12-16 and the Bible Meditation Trainers will gather from September 5-9.

Please pray that each and every one of them will get to know the heart of our God and surrender their lives to His will. The weather in Lima is very unstable and we need your prayers as well for the health of all those participating.

Light to the World

Riverside Tree

College students are bombarded every day with struggles, temptations, challenges, and things that try to get them to find their identity in anything BUT in God who has created them to be in Christ. The world’s teachings and the schemes of the devil are taking down the values, confidence, and fear of God in these cherished children of God. With all this bearing down them, we realize how much they need you.

Not only do students need your prayers to hold onto their faith in the midst of a stressful academic year, they need your intercession to become shining lights and loving examples of Jesus on their college campuses. As school resumes this fall, we must go together in prayer to lift them up and cry on their behalf!

Expand Gods Territory


Duran is one of the most dangerous regions in Ecuador. Many children and youth in Duran are unable to afford school supplies and uniforms meaning many do not attend school. Duran is also considered one of the country’s most violent cities as gangs clash to control drug trafficking routes. The flow of money becomes a very alluring prospect for many of the youth who have no hope in the future.

As we pray for how we can help the poor and needy children in Ecuador, join us to seek for God’s direction. Whether it be through school programs or through church Bible studies, we want to be obedient in sharing His glory and expand His Kingdom.

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