Bible-Loving Youth!

According to PEW and PONCE, over 82% of Christian Americans only read their Bible on Sundays while in church. What’s more surprising is that only 38% of all evangelical pastors read their bible on regular basis. And only 26% of pastors are having personal devotion time in the word of God. Can you imagine what that percentage would look like when it comes to our next generation? Abba Peru was all God’s doing and He commissions us to help the next generation to become lovers of the Bible by reading and meditating God’s word daily. By our God’s divine guidance, we have been printing daily devotional material for all the Abba Peru participating youth for the past 10 years. It’s called “ECAP” which stands for Encountering the Abba Father! We want our next generation to encounter living God who is their heavenly Father through His living words so that they will have a victorious life on this earth as children of God. We have just finished distributing ECAP for the second semester of 2022 to all 15 regions of Peru and Ecuador. One of the youth leaders in Huancayo, Peru wrote: “We can’t thank you enough for providing these beautiful meditation books for our youth. This is something we never dreamed of having. Our youth are changing and growing stronger in their relationship with our Lord. Please tell those who are involved with this generous gift thank you very much!” Please pray that our next generation will spend quality time in the Word, not in the worldly things! And thank you for your faithful support to this ministry. God bless you.

A Hearty Meal

One of the basic necessities of life is food. Unfortunately, many, if not most, of our COJ children do not receive adequate nutrition at home for proper growth and development due to financial difficulties. However, by God’s provision through our COJ sponsors, our COJ children are receiving a well-balanced meal at church on Sundays. Week after week, volunteers from the church gather together to buy and prepare ingredients and cook a delicious meal for the children. We pray that our children are not only physically nourished, but also spiritually nourished with the Living Word of God. Please pray for the pastors, Sunday school teachers, and children to be filled with Jesus who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Thank you for your partnership in serving the “Least of These”.

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