Victory Will Be Ours!

It was 2009, about 13 years ago, when our God forcefully opened our eyes to see what He wanted us to see. So many poor children supported by wonderful sponsors, growing up to become children of Jesus, were being lured into the enemy’s temptation as they drifted away from God’s love. And in 2010, our God did something unimaginable as He used us to start Abba Peru Youth Training. And it’s been 12 years since then. Our God is still working powerfully. And He hasn’t stopped working even while the world was on lockdown during the COVID pandemic. Now, our God opened all the doors for Abba ministry once again in 2022. Last March, all the Regional Directors of Abba Peru (RECOFA) gathered in one place to seek His face and will for 2022-2023 season. Then, in May, Dedicated Youth and Leaders Training (CEJA) was held in Lima after two years of forced closure. At the same time, from May 7th, Abba Peru Pastors and Leaders in-person conferences began in Paucartambo, Peru and it will continue until the end of June. Of course the long awaited and eagerly anticipated Abba Peru Youth Conference will start in June and occur through August in all 13 regions of Peru. When Jesus was crucified and buried on that afternoon, Satan thought that he had defeated Jesus for good. But he didn’t know what was going to happen just three days later. Now, Satan thinks that he is winning the battle to take away the next generation from God’s presence and into the depths of sin. But he didn’t know that our God was going to raise up Abba Peru. It is our greatest desire that you will experience God’s great victory as you will join God in His mighty work through your fervent prayer for this year’s Abba Peru and CEJA! Praise the Lord!

Headline News [India]

News about COVID-19 are slowly ceasing and other news like inflation are becoming the new headlines. We are all aware of how this pandemic has affected the world and continues to affect the cost of living that is increasing everywhere around us. India, like other countries, was drastically affected by the pandemic, especially in June 2020 when it had the third highest COVID-19 cases in the world. Children in the orphanage were not able to attend school for 8-9 months that year. The following year, in 2021, schools tried to cram a yearlong curriculum into just 5 months. And today, India is experiencing the hottest recorded temperature since 122 years ago. Those who live off their harvest are taking a toll, losing about 10-35% of their crops. There have been five heatwaves from March to May as birds have died and fallen from the sky due to the heat. Therefore, please pray for India as many are being affected by these circumstances, especially the poor and needy. Now, in Chinthaluru, some of the orphans have grown up and moved out, but there are still children eagerly waiting for new sponsors. Will you become the channel of God’s love to these children? If the Holy Spirit is tugging at your heart and convicting you to sponsor a child, please feel free to contact our office or visit our website at

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