Breathing into Life

“This is what the Sovereign Lord says to these bones: I will make breath enter you, and you will come to life.” Ezekiel 37:5 When Abel was young, he had severe asthma. During the day, he could not participate in many activities with other children and there were even nights where he could not sleep. He recalls his parents praying fervently for him all the time. His mom especially would be praying for hours on her knees with tears running down her face for Abel’s health. Abel does not remember exactly when it happened, but in a sudden moment God had healed him of his asthma; it was then that he recognized the power of God and accepted Him. At age 9, Abel experienced God as he started playing drums and guitar. He would later play for the church praise team, which brought him closer to God. Since then, Abel has been serving in his church faithfully. And he now serves as a part of the AV team, Sunday school teacher, and a special event coordinator for his church. These areas of service led Abel to pursue a degree in audio/visual communications, a rare degree in Peru. His dream is to be able to produce visual and audio productions to help present the gospel to non-believers so they can come to know God and to further help out in his church. He owes his very life to the wonder-working power of God and His goodness. Now, Abel has graduated from high school and is about to start his college journey. And he has been accepted into the Riverside Tree program. He is one step closer to where he knows God is leading him to be. Will you pray about and consider giving Abel words of encouragement and love as a sponsor and support him with $100/month for his tuition as he starts college in March?

Gifts of Love

Back to school! After two years of virtual classes during the pandemic, kids are finally heading back to school… in person! Most are overjoyed and have long awaited for this moment. So for Christmas, through the loving donations of sponsors, we sent the COJ children and youth backpacks to carry their books and school supplies when they head back to school in March. In addition, we also sent each COJ child’s family a special Christmas food basket. A little different than previous food baskets, this time around we included panettone, a popular dessert widely enjoyed by Peruvians during the Christmas season, along with hot chocolate. Our hope and desire is that each child realizes the love of the Father through the generous gifts of their sponsors and that they have already received the greatest gift of Jesus Christ!

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