Steadfast Love

Despite limitations from the pandemic, pastors in Peru are not staying still. They are doing the best they can to continue raising mighty, faithful children and youth of God and are constantly looking for ways to keep the body of Christ functioning. Of these pastors, we have four in Raven of Love in need of sponsors who will support and encourage them. We know God is the one who will bring the people to partner with them and support them in their ministry, so we pray for His provision. If you feel led by Holy Spirit to step in as a sponsor, please reach out to us.

“Lord, I Need You!”

The righteous cry out, and the LORD hears them; he delivers them from all their troubles. -Psalm 34:17 In 2016, Ana Cristina Paitanmala graduated from high school and was determined to attend college for an education degree, but she had a difficult decision to make. As an active Sunday School teacher and youth leader, she loved seeing the children of the Cristo Vive church grow in their walk with Christ, but if she wanted to achieve the degree, it would mean she would need to step down from serving. The state university she would be attending was a prestigious one. And though it was the closest college to her town, it was over an hour away. Her father worked at a small shop and her mom received a small fee from helping others in their community; Ana would need to find a job to cover the university expenses. She did not have any other options. Lost and without answers, she prayed fervently for God to intervene and perform a miracle. God answered her prayers through Riverside Tree where she was matched with loving sponsors who supported her financially to attend school. They also provided spiritual guidance, which encouraged her to continue to serve the youth in her church. God delivered her from her troubles and now, in 2021, Ana has graduated with her degree and found a job in a school near her. This would allow her to not only work professionally but also better serve her church family. Her future seemed so bright! But once again, Ana feels lost and without answers. Her parents both got infected with COVID-19 and her mother passed away a few days later. Her heart was devastated. While still grieving, her father was hospitalized. Ana Cristina and her father are in desperate need of our prayers. Please pray for a complete healing in her father, heavenly consolation of her heart, and reassurance that God will once again perform a miracle through this time of struggles.

In Good Time

How great is our God Almighty! The new “Encuentro con Abba Padre” (ECAP) devotional books are now published and have been shipped to the different regions of Peru! We are excited to introduce their new look. The devotionals will now have a theme, which will be reflected by the art on the cover and align with the content of the color pages inside. This year, God highlighted the importance of His armor; the devotional for the first semester covered the six pieces of armor and the need for them. The latest edition, “¡Armate y Pelea!” (Stand up and Fight!), is about using the armor to help fight against Satan’s lies. We pray the youth will be excited to receive the new ECAP. We pray they look forward to spending more intimate time with Abba Father and building a true and personal relationship with Him. May they become mighty warriors, equipped with the armor of God to stand and fight against Satan’s schemes and attacks. To God be the glory!

Hope to the Hopeless

To say times are challenging in India seems like a massive understatement. COVID-19 has hit India hard and the repercussions are devastating. Though it would be easy to get discouraged and feel helpless, Pastor Abraham has been pressing on, looking to serve those who are in greater need than himself. Last month, he was able to buy enough groceries for 60 pastors and their families to last them at least one month. God is using many sponsors to bless his servants and give them hope in what may be one of the most hopeless times in their lives. We thank God, who never stops working in any circumstance through His children that see the spiritual and physical need around them and are willing and eager to be His hands and feet!

Through the Valley of Death!

“Sir, you may have only a few days to live, so you need to get your things in order and make sure to sign all the important and necessary documents.” In the early part of April this year, I had to make a business trip to Lima. When I returned home, I started to show symptoms of Covid-19 and ended up testing positive. I tried to get more rest and take some medicine, figuring it would pass by quickly like the first time I had it. But I was wrong. I only got worse day by day. It was April 26th. I had no choice but to go to the hospital because I could barely breathe. After thorough examination, the doctor told me that my situation was far worse than expected. Then, my doctor shared words my ears couldn’t believe and caused my heart to sink. He told me to prepare for the worst because I may only have a week or so to live. In the moment of despair, the staff from COJ International in Denver called me and prayed for me over a video call. The second time they called to pray for me, I felt the amazing and powerful presence of the Holy Spirit in my body and in my home. My condition started to improve and to the doctor’s surprise I am now Covid-19 negative, on my way to full recovery. It is so good to be able to breathe again on my own. I praise God for hearing and answering the prayers of righteous people. I praise God for He has power to heal the sick. I praise God for His mercy and love endures forever. Only by His grace, I walked through the valley of death and made it out alive. Now, I live for Christ alone and one day, I will die for Christ alone for He is everything to me!

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