One Story

We all have a story. A story of how Jesus came, met us, and changed our lives. And each of our stories is unique and personal, but all share a common link – the grace of a Father in heaven who loves us beyond imagination. We are connected through our individual stories into God’s one great story. This includes all who are a part of Children of Jesus (COJ), Raven of Love (ROL), and ABBA ministries. We would like to highlight one of them this month–the testimony of Pastor Inocencio Aguirre Principe, now 70, who we came to know in 2004 through the COJ ministry. In 2008, he was one of the first pastors to be sponsored when the Raven of Love ministry began. All our stories are meant to be shared because we can bring honor to God, who is the author, and encourage one another as we are reminded of the heart of the one who pursues each of us with immeasurable passion. This is His story. I grew up in a large family, 1 of 8 children. My family was not Christian and there were many problems at home, including physical and psychological abuse. I felt broken and lonely, which led to anger. When my father told me he wasn’t going to support my secondary education, I ran away from home to the capital city of Peru – Lima – where I joined the army and became more lost. At age 29, the darkness and rage that had built up inside of me was directed towards society and mankind. I decided I would either become a terrorist and kill people without discrimination, lose myself in the jungle, or just buy a gun and kill everyone who made my life miserable and then end my own. Whatever it would be, my resolution was to do it by December of that year. November came and a big evangelical revival camp was held in the city I was in; the whole community was invited. As the meeting time drew near, an announcement was made through the megaphone: “Men, women, youth! If you are sick and can’t find healing, if you have problems and can’t find a solution, or if you believe your life is worthless, come tonight! Jesus is here to heal sickness, solve your problems, and give you an abundant life! Christ heals and saves!” I stood in the corner with my girlfriend at the time and listened to two people share testimonies of God’s miraculous work in their lives. I knew I needed God’s help, but a voice of doubt tried to hinder me from coming to Him. It is truly by God’s grace that a lady who was sitting close by led me by the arm to the front, where I kneeled down before the Lord. As the pastor prayed for me, I was filled with a fire. I was crying and sweating at the same time. In that moment, Jesus came into my life, forever to stay. My girlfriend, who is now my wife, also received Jesus and is my amazing helper in doing the Lord’s work. Fast forward 40 years. I am still serving the church God called me to pastor and there have been many tears, doubts, discouragements along the way. But in each moment, the Lord reassured me, telling me, “Do not fear, for I am with you.” My God lifted me out from the pits of despair and hopelessness and brought me into a life of purpose and hope. He has helped me fight the good fight and I know He will most certainly continue to do so until my very last day.

Hope that Endures

Rome wasn’t built in a day; it took inspiration, careful planning and strategy, revisions, carried out over the course of time. In the same way, building up mighty soldiers for God’s kingdom requires an intentional structure and process. The ABBA ministry serves to raise up a strong and powerful army of God from the next generation. We are in the midst of reorganizing our structure to more actively help and encourage approximately 11,000 Peruvian youth to deepen their personal relationships with the Lord. Holy Spirit convicted us to form a national task force, a team of 12 members, which will focus its efforts on training up all ABBA participant church pastors and leaders to train their youth on Bible meditation through the ECAP devotional and purposeful follow up on whether it is changing lives of youth to become true disciples of Jesus. Another focus will be on creating a prayer movement that will spread throughout churches across Peru, to cry out for the next generation. Please pray with us for God to bring alongside workers with the heart of the Father for the youth and who desire to take on this great task. The process will seem long and daunting at times, but we know in all things, God’s sovereign will is done. To God be the glory forever! Amen!

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