A Good God Who Answers Us

In our previous newsletter, we shared news about the many pastors who had been called home into the Father’s arms during this pandemic. We were saddened because we had prayed hard for them and felt our prayers went unheard or not answered in the ways we desired. However, regardless of how we feel, we know that God hears the prayers of His people and His answers are always good because He is always good. And we must not take it for granted when our heavenly Father does answer us in ways we desperately desired, but must share to testify of it so we bring Him the glory and praise He deserves! Our God is healer. Our God is provider. Our God has heard and answered our prayers. Thank you for continually praying alongside of us. So what do we do now? Keep praying! Without ceasing, in one mind, heart, and spirit, because we know God is a good Father who will continue to hear the cries of His children and answer us according to His good will! Hallelujah!

Only by God’s Mercy

India is home to about 1.4 billion people. This massive country is experiencing the fastest pace of coronavirus infection spreading, facing a deadly health care crisis. As of April 26, 2021, India is reporting 17.3 million cases of coronavirus – with over 5 million of those cases just from April. Funeral grounds are running out of space. So many people are passing away without the opportunity to hear the good news of Jesus, the one who loves them and desires to give them eternal life. Please pray for God’s mercy on the nation of India in this time of immense spiritual and physical need. In addition, we received news from Pastor Abraham that the Central Government of India has closed bank accounts of ministries and designated a bank in New Delhi, the capital, with which they can open a new account. While persecution against Christians is nothing new in India, we are seeing how the government is looking to gain even more control, which will likely lead to even greater persecution for believers. Please lift up the few faithful in India so they may stand firm in the word of God during this difficult season and also for our God to leave the door open for the gospel to spread all around India.

In Memory of: Oscar Alfredo Cabrera Caballero

Pastor Oscar Caballero was a mighty man of God who stood as an exemplar of a good and faithful servant to the next generation. His service to churches in Peru is immeasurable and inexpressible. We are profoundly grateful to God for the life and ministry of Pastor Oscar, who lived and died for the kingdom and glory of our God. He traveled all throughout Peru - from Piura to Arequipa and many cities and towns in between - to encourage and support many young people, leaders and pastors of Abba Peru! Now, he has transitioned from this earth to the glorious kingdom of God and is face-to-face with Jesus Christ, his Savior and ours. It is the meeting he has been looking forward to his whole life. Now, it is time for the next-generation mighty men and women of God to fill his shoes and take the gospel to the utmost parts of the world. One day we will all meet Pastor Oscar again in the presence of our awesome God because our Lord Jesus is resurrected from death and has given us eternal hope!

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