Into the Father’s Arms

“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day—and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing.” 2 Timothy 4:7-8 These pastors were called home after fighting against the coronavirus. We remember their faithful service in response to God’s calling during their time on this earth and passion to raise up a mighty next generation. Though our hearts break at the temporary separation, we rejoice in the belief that we will see each other once again in our Father’s glory. Please join us with your prayers as we continue to lift up their families, that Holy Spirit will comfort them with his perfect peace.

Carrying Others’ Burdens

Would you be able to tell your entire life story to someone you have never met? It would take a lot of trust, right? One of the encouraging things we have witnessed in the COJ ministry was seeing relationships between sponsors and children who were struggling with their lives blossom. More than ever, sponsors have been intentional in communicating with their children, checking in to make sure they are doing well physically and spiritually. And the response on the part of the children? Truly amazing! They have opened up to their sponsors in their letters, sharing stories of their lives, including details of trials they face as well as joyous experiences; they are unleashing their creativity into designing and drawing their own letter paper. “Though I have not seen him, my heart knows him well.” This is a line I like in a praise song called Soon by Hillsong. Though we have not seen God with our physical eyes, we accepted His invitation into a real and intimate relationship with Him, having been moved by His great and incomparable love. In the same way, I believe the genuine care and love displayed by how you, the sponsors, carry the burdens of the children, as our Lord commanded, has opened up their hearts and uplifted their spirits. We give thanks and glory to God for you!

Father to the Orphans

Mom. Dad. Such simple words, yet they carry tremendous significance. Many of us have taken being able to say these two words for granted. Amongst our COJ partner churches, there are children who have grown up without having such a privilege and some of them faced extra challenges during this current pandemic. God has charged his church to look after those in need, especially the orphans. It is only through the generous giving of faithful sponsors and partners in the ministry that we are able to continue helping children like Bertha, Estani, Baymar and Taylor and express to them His heart– that He is their Abba daddy who is always with them and loves them so dearly. How great our Heavenly Father is! Thank you for being the channel of His love to these children!

I Am A Church Member!

A foundational part of the Riverside Tree ministry is the continual spiritual growth of students as they work to complete their degrees. The students, who study in different regions throughout Peru, meet virtually for a time of praise, prayer, fellowship, and discipleship throughout the year. There is a common saying that goes “big things come in small packages”. From last August to January, we went through a book called I Am a Church Member together; many were transformed by the mighty truths shared in this tiny book, written by Thom Rainer. It is an excellent prescription for a condition spreading rapidly throughout local churches in the past 30 years - a self-centered mindset. Believers throughout the world struggle with understanding church membership in its Biblical context; the unfortunate outcome of this is the lack of a most necessary appreciation for the family of God and the joy and satisfaction that comes from being a part of the body. This study has greatly helped the Riverside Tree students gain a Biblical understanding and correct perspective on church membership. They are better equipped to help other members at their own local churches to cherish membership as God intended. While students are working towards their professional careers, the development of a strong, grounded relationship with Father God is essential. We’d like to ask for your ongoing encouragement and prayers for the Riverside Tree students to be firmly planted in the faith as a tree in well-watered ground.


God is our ever present hope and shelter. In the midst of the uncertain times, Iglesia Jesús Esperanza de Vida (Jesus, Hope of Life Church) has continued to be a place of refuge and peace for the children and youth in a Guayaquil city community, allowing them rest from the harsh realities they face day-to-day. With more than 60 children and youth gathering at the church, Sister Carmen had to split them into two groups to accommodate for social distancing. Just two years after building a new church building, we are praying to be able to build an extension or a second floor. Please pray with us as we seek God’s direction in this matter and continue to lift up Sister Carmen who is continually moving forward with faith bigger than COVID- for God to fill her with His Spirit always and grant her strength and good health.

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