Fruits of Riverside Tree!

2020 has been quite a year of twists and turns for us at the HHK WMC. At the beginning of each year, we usually ask for the Lord to lay upon our hearts a word or theme that would summarize what He had in store for us for the year. For me, it was the word UNITY. At the time, I thought it was speaking to establishing stronger connections with my peers and family. But as weeks passed by, there was a sense that the Lord was going to work within the Riverside Tree (RT) ministry to build stronger relationships. By late September, the RT students had been away from their studies for several months. We thought it would be a great time for them to take time to help in their homes and churches. But after a few meetings with the students, we felt in our spirits that this time apart from school had not been encouraging, but rather quite devastating for their spiritual walks. I have to confess that I was not very understanding at first. But the Scripture the Lord led me to was Hebrews 10:25: “Not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” The RT ministry started in 2009 with a three-fold ministry focus to help high school graduates: 1. With scholarships so they may pursue the passion God has placed in their hearts 2. Who inspired to become pastors 3. To become leaders and deliverers of the Good News in their spheres of influence Looking back over the years, all three of those areas are still a foundational part of this ministry. We have helped over 22 men and women graduate and enter professional careers. We are being used to raise up and encourage several men and women to become mighty spiritual leaders in their churches. And we are seeing graduates bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to their coworkers and neighbors. We are completing what the Lord has tasked us with. During the past year, the shift to Zoom meetings have provided a platform where RT students can become united and build relationships as they meet together for a time of praise, fellowship, study, and prayer. In between these meetings they can also meet with their sponsors and the staff here in Denver, Colorado. 2020 has been such a blessed adventure with new changes and even though we let go of so much because of the circumstances, the new experiences and deepened fellowships that have enriched the ministry 100-fold. For this we are truly grateful. At the start of 2021, two new students have been added to the RT ministry and they are in need of caring sponsors who can help support and encourage them as they start their college journey. If you are moved to help one of these two upcoming students, please call our office or email us at!

Vision for 2021

These are excepts from letters from pastors in Peru Every trial is an opportunity for God to manifest himself and I believe He always does. My agenda for this year is to work with families of the children in Sunday school, COJ, and church families. As I prayed and meditated about the agenda for 2021 I fell asleep, and God spoke to me in my dream that I should also distribute brochures at the airport and hospitals. This is something that God has strongly placed in my heart. God speaks to us in funny ways. The challenge for 2021 is to dedicate ourselves to pray, fast, and evangelize more. So I ask for prayers for strength, dear sponsor. -Pastor Artemio Rivera, LIMA We have the opportunity to prepare our hearts for the day we will encounter our beloved Jesus Christ, through prayer and fasting. He is the eternal life for his children. The task of preaching the gospel of salvation is urgent. As a church, our prayer for this year is to restore the different ministries within our church, which have been affected by the state of emergency from the pandemic. We have only been able to gather with the adults. I thank God that our family is doing well. I am grateful to God and also grateful for your help and prayers. Thank you so much for everything. -Pastor Reyes Perez, SATIPO First, I give thanks to the Lord. I also thank you for your prayers for me and for the monthly offerings throughout past year. May the Lord repay you abundantly. All I can do for you is to pray for you. In 2021, I will keep on working in accordance to the Lord’s calling, despite this pandemic, by trusting in Him and His help. This year’s challenge is to keep on working with the children and young people by teaching them the Word of God. -Pastor Patricio Granada, CUSCO

Light in the Darkness

We never cease to be in awe of how God works. During the Christmas season, one of the COJ sponsors was inspired by Holy Spirit to provide food baskets not only for the children she sponsors, but all the members of an entire COJ partner church. She hoped to share the love and grace of Jesus that is always abundant and fills our every need. Cathedral of Life church is located within a community in the city of Piura, with a high crime rate and lots of single mother families. The pastor and his family prepared food baskets to provide every family in the church and were even able to hand some out to neighbors in their community and shine the light of Jesus to those living in darkness around them. It was truly like the miracle of the 5 loaves and 2 fish. We praise the Lord for His people with willing spirits to be used and respond to His call, through whom we experience the blessing of witnessing God’s great work unfold in our midst!

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