Teachers with a Calling

Children who become true disciples of Jesus Christ. As the Children of Jesus (COJ) ministry prayed about and explored ways of how to support local churches to teach and disciple children, God highlighted the need to build up and train Sunday School teachers. Churches also expressed the need, which gave us confirmation this was something we needed to move forward with. All the plans that we were planning on going through with at the beginning of the year seemed to fall through due to COVID-19, but God yet again proved He is a waymaker! Through the collaboration with Liga Biblica, who provides free training for those using their Sunday School curriculum, Proyecto Felipe, we were able to facilitate Sunday School teacher trainings via Zoom over two Saturdays, August 22nd and 29th. It was amazing that there were no connection problems throughout the trainings – praise God! We believe that God has placed an important calling on the lives of these teachers to have a transformative impact on each child they teach and disciple so that they may develop a personal relationship with Christ and become great witnesses of Him to the world. As you pray for the child you sponsor, we ask that you also remember the Sunday School teachers who are pouring into their lives and ask for God to bless them with love, strength, and wisdom.

Good News in Hard Times

“Hello everyone, God bless you all. I ask that you support us in prayer as we go to evangelize in the rural areas [of Peru]. God bless you.” This was a message that was posted in the CEJA group chat by a young man named Elvis. He asked for prayers as a group of young adults from his local church gathered early one Saturday morning to prepare bags of basic necessities for people in a town called Las Laderas. They wanted to bring food and other supplies for those in great physical need, but more importantly, to bring the Good News of life and hope that would fill the greatest void in their lives. At the end of the day, Elvis shared with the rest of CEJA participants what God had done, of the souls that had been saved and added to the kingdom of God. He encouraged them to press on, continue to share the Good News, and see God show up and save the lost. The time is always now! CEJA (Centro de Entrenamiento Juvenil ABBA) - Abba Youth and Young People training Center is the place where next generation mighty men and women are being raised up through Hanhee Kim World Mission Center. Our God has called many young people to become the fishers of man. Praise the Lord!

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