Warrior Called Home!

As the coronavirus continues to spread all over the world, we are receiving unfortunate news about many cases of infection among our pastors. It is with sadden heart we share that Pastor Zenaida, who has been serving in both the Children of Jesus and ABBA ministries, was called home after fighting for days against the virus.

Even after suffering the loss of her pastor husband 10 years ago, Pastor Zenaida so preciously continued to serve God, sharing the gospel in small villages and training up youth to be disciples of Jesus.

Pastor Zenaida was able to serve with such strength and courage first and foremost by God’s grace but same time with such a loving and continuous encouragement of her sponsor for nine years of financial giving and prayers.

Cedar Park Baptist Church in Texas joined the mission to reach the lost in Peru through their faithful sponsorship of Pastor Zenaida.
Though they never even had a chance to meet one another face- to-face, we trust the partnership between them as co-laborers for God’s Kingdom has and will continue to yield beautiful fruits and we give God all the glory.
And one day, pastor Zenaida will meet the members of Cedar Park Baptist in His glory.

And we would like to take this opportunity thank all of our wonderful sponsors for your faithful partnership. God bless you richly.

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