Miracle in the Pandemic

A month ago, I tested positive for COVID-19, but I praise God for the complete healing. As I was feeling completely recovered, my friend Joseph, told me that his uncle, who also happened to be my neighbor and an unbeliever, was also infected with COVID-19. When I heard about this I was convicted and determined to share Jesus with him. I was reminded of Job in the Bible. No one wanted to visit him while he was greatly suffering.
The same thing is happening today with COVID-19 patients. No one wants to visit you; even the medical personnel for they are too scared.

I know this was God given opportunity. As I shared the Gospel with my neighbor, it was different than times before. I was confident the Lord was speaking through me. I told him, “Repent of your sins. You need to repent of your sins and receive Jesus into your life.” As these words left my mouth, he began to cry. The Holy Spirit was working in his heart.

The family is very wealthy business owners, but none of that could save them.

By the power of the Holy Spirit my neighbor repented and accepted Christ as his Savior and Lord. I told him that God is not one who comes and goes, but that He would now continually be with him and is able to restore and renew his life. Now he is recovering as well and I was able to take a picture with him. Praise the Lord!
Like in the story of the prodigal son, I believe our Father rejoiced as he received a lost son who returned into His arms!

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