Bread of Life

“Glory in his holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the LORD rejoice.”
(1 Chronicles 16:10)

The second biannual edition of the “Encuentro con Abba Padre” (ECAP) devotional is on its way to the hands of many eagerly waiting youth all over Peru, who yearn to know Abba Father more.

We thank God for answering our prayers to get the devotionals printed and ready to ship out before the end of June because it had seemed nearly impossible due to limited manpower and resources from the ongoing lockdown in Peru.

ECAP has served as a great tool for youth leaders to stay in touch with their members and encourage them in their spiritual walk with Jesus during these times of isolation. As King David rejoiced in the presence of the Lord, we pray that through ECAP, youth would learn to rejoice in His Living Word!

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