
The Journey to Heaven

In mid-March, there was a commotion in the heart of Guayaquil, one of the main cities located in Ecuador. 58 pastors and youth leaders were gathered in anticipation of a great event that was about to unfold. For a while, Ecuador has been trying to find a solution for their youth and young adults who were in great need for God. Plagued by drugs, gang wars, and corruption, the youth in Ecuador are all walking towards the wrong direction. But there is a cure coming, and that cure is found only in Heaven, where no drugs, thieves, or corruption can take it away. As the pastors gather, they unite with one goal in mind; to bring revival to Ecuador.

But one of the most heartfelt stories from Guayaquil came from Evangelist Carmen who ministers at a church outside the city limits; a gathering of about 30 children. The buildings here are old and not well built; electricity becomes scarce, and the roads turn from paved roads to non-passable terrain in a matter of miles. Sister Carmen takes a bus over 1.5 hours to the last stop and then walks another hour over a huge hill to get to her church, and then does the reverse to get back home; she does this four days a week.

We decided to put a bible into the hands of each of these 300 poor children in this slum area of Ecuador. If our Lord convicts you to sponsor a Bible then please send $6.00 per Bible. We pray these children will become the mighty force of ABBA Ecuador.


Sound of Trumpets

In March, ten portable amplifiers were purchased and distributed among the Bible students studying under Pastor Samuel Abraham. These gifts, made possible by sponsors such as yourselves, will allow these young men to go and declare God’s glory with the sound of trumpets!


Sound of Rejoice

The boys bathroom at the Amazing Grace orphanage is coming along at a rapid pace. Within weeks the foundation was laid, the base stones set, and bricks put into place. It will not be long before it is finished. Thank you dear sponsors. Can you hear the sound of those kids rejoicing?


2018 ABBA: Go to Jerusalem

48 coordinators and facilitators, 21 different regions, four days, one focus; to achieve God’s vision.

At the end of March, pastors and church leaders from across Peru and even a pastor from Ecuador gathered together in praise, worship, prayer, and fellowship to seek for God’s will upon the ABBA youth rallies this year. But there was something God wanted first. God had asked them a question: “How much do you sincerely love me?”

That question humble and convicted everyone of the need to abide in God and His word. How were the youth suppose to know, love, and serve God if they did have a personal relationship with Him? It was time for a serious evaluation of their relationship with God. Earthly walls and castles were torn down and rebuilt with Godly fortitudes; weak and selfish foundations were replaced with Kingdom values; and hearts of stone and ignorance were washed away with agape love. A grand revival had taken place. After all the tears were wiped away and conflicts forgiven, God delivered His message. “Go to Jerusalem.”

God wanted His people to not forget that there are many who are still lost spiritually within our own local communities, we need to bring them to the salvation of the Lord! Let’s raise and teach our youth to become missionaries to our local cities and worlds!


As long as poverty, injustice & inequality persist, none of us can truly rest. It doesn’t take much to change a life, Get in touch today and start making the difference.