Blessing of Giving

This summer, we have been experiencing unusual weather patterns, with temperatures reaching record highs globally. As Christians, we recognize that these signs have been predicted in the Bible as part of the end times. Although we do not know what the future holds or even what tomorrow will bring, we strive to continue being channels of God’s blessings while the opportunity is present, for God promises that “those who give to the poor will lack nothing.”

As we brainstormed gift ideas for our COJ children this winter, we decided to include not only soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste, and shampoo but also colorful bath towels for each child in each gift bag. Additionally. in the colder regions of Peru (Lima, Cusco, and Huancayo), we provided body lotion and sweatshirts to help them stay warm. In the warmer regions (Satipo, Iquitos, and Piura), we distributed bug repellents and t-shirts to help them stay cool. All of the children have expressed their heartfelt gratitude to all the sponsors, but most importantly, they thank our awesome God for providing for their needs.

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