Light in the Darkness

We never cease to be in awe of how God works. During the Christmas season, one of the COJ sponsors was inspired by Holy Spirit to provide food baskets not only for the children she sponsors, but all the members of an entire COJ partner church. She hoped to share the love and grace of Jesus that is always abundant and fills our every need. Cathedral of Life church is located within a community in the city of Piura, with a high crime rate and lots of single mother families. The pastor and his family prepared food baskets to provide every family in the church and were even able to hand some out to neighbors in their community and shine the light of Jesus to those living in darkness around them. It was truly like the miracle of the 5 loaves and 2 fish. We praise the Lord for His people with willing spirits to be used and respond to His call, through whom we experience the blessing of witnessing God’s great work unfold in our midst!

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