Only by Agape Love!

In 2018 we held the very first Abba Ecuador Youth Conference in the city of Guayaquil. But the door to continue the ABBA ministry there was quickly closed. There were only a few churches that desired to continually receive the youth training. Then, the COVID pandemic closed the border between Ecuador and Peru, and we were no longer able to ship the training books there.

We asked the Lord why the road was closed for Abba Ecuador. Lord spoke softly and gently to us, “How much do you really love the youth of Ecuador?”
We realized that our heart was not in the right place with our God and we begun praying for Ecuador with renewed heart.

All of a sudden, the doors to Ecuador reopened and the training for pastors and leaders was held in February 2022.
We have been invited back to train more pastors and leaders in the coming days.
On the morning of the first day of training, the President of Ecuador made a public announcement that the border between Ecuador and Peru was completely reopened on that morning. Can this be coincidence?

We’ve learned the greatest lesson: God’s kingdom expands only through agape love, the unconditional and sacrificial love of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Our God will bring many youth of Ecuador into His kingdom!
Thank you for your partnership to share this amazing love of our God to our next generation!

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