A Time for Everything

As King Solomon wrote in Ecclesiastes Chapter 3, there is a season for everything. There’s a time to plant and a time to harvest. In the beginning of 2022, we welcomed 187 new children to the COJ ministry. Praise the Lord! Our COJ ministry is continually growing, and God’s kingdom is expanding on this earth. Our prayer is that all the children will grow in God’s wisdom, love, and stature and become mighty men and women of God.

At the same time, we also recognized 59 graduates from the COJ ministry. Despite the many challenges of the pandemic, by God’s favor, they completed their secondary education. Just as plants need sunlight and water to grow, your humble obedience and generous giving to the Lord has borne many fruits as evidenced by these graduates. Now, as they go out to the world, let’s gather our hearts and pray that they will submit and commit to the Lord.

Thank you, sponsors, for being the channels of God’s blessing to our COJ children and graduates! Above all, we thank and praise God for his provision and protection! To God be the glory!

First Day of School!

It’s school time!
Our COJ children are going back to school at the end of March after many months of home schooling throguh internet! And many of our children could not study since they were lacking equipments and internets.
But our God’s timing is always perfect. The children received school supplies such as pens, pencils, notebooks, folders, etc. just in time for the first day of school.
Thank you, sponsors, for your heartfelt offering of love. May God multiply it as it is used for his kingdom and may He bless you abundantly.

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