Through the Valley of Death!

“Sir, you may have only a few days to live, so you need to get your things in order and make sure to sign all the important and necessary documents.”

In the early part of April this year, I had to make a business trip to Lima. When I returned home, I started to show symptoms of Covid-19 and ended up testing positive. I tried to get more rest and take some medicine, figuring it would pass by quickly like the first time I had it. But I was wrong. I only got worse day by day.

It was April 26th. I had no choice but to go to the hospital because I could barely breathe. After thorough examination, the doctor told me that my situation was far worse than expected. Then, my doctor shared words my ears couldn’t believe and caused my heart to sink. He told me to prepare for the worst because I may only have a week or so to live.

In the moment of despair, the staff from COJ International in Denver called me and prayed for me over a video call. The second time they called to pray for me, I felt the amazing and powerful presence of the Holy Spirit in my body and in my home.
My condition started to improve and to the doctor’s surprise I am now Covid-19 negative, on my way to full recovery. It is so good to be able to breathe again on my own.

I praise God for hearing and answering the prayers of righteous people. I praise God for He has power to heal the sick. I praise God for His mercy and love endures forever.
Only by His grace, I walked through the valley of death and made it out alive.
Now, I live for Christ alone and one day, I will die for Christ alone for He is everything to me!

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