With the Heart of Jesus….

 “…not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others. In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus” (Phil 2:4-5)

The coronavirus pandemic has changed the world we are living in.
Many people in the impoverished regions of Peru are struggling to survive each day. And many lives are at great risk due to the lack of medical facilities and support.

Our COJ pastors are not an exception. One pastor passed away from COVID-19 and many other pastors and their families suffered as the infection ran its course. They were without work to provide the food for their families and had to endure the pain of witnessing many of their church members struggle greatly.

All they could do was to pray to our God.

Then, our wonderful God answered their prayers through the sacrificial giving of the sponsors. Praise the Lord!
Their obedience helped one pastor repair his collapsing house and another pastor to finally provide food for his own family; from the abundance given to him, he shared it to provide basic necessities for struggling families in his church.

We are singing “Then sings my soul, my Savior God to thee” as we witness the amazing grace of our Lord shown through sponsors with the mind and heart of the Christ during these difficult times.

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