Better Tomorrow

This past summer, we couldn’t see the bright and beautiful stars of the Colorado night skies due to the heavy and thick smoke from the record-setting wild fires. In 2020, many of us could not see our beloved family members due to the COVID-19. But for many poor and neglected children in this world, they could not even see the hope of tomorrow due to the heavy burden of poverty.

And yet, because of the sacrificial efforts of the firefighters, Colorado skies are twinkling again; because of the well-focused research of scientists, the world is preparing for a joyous reunion. And because of caring and loving sponsors, many poor children are envisioning a better and brighter future. Your love is bearing fruit!

But we confess that above all else this is only possible by the grace of our almighty God. Whether it’s the wild fires, COVID-19, or seemingly unconquerable poverty, we are certain we will face a new day of victory and glory because our Lord Jesus came to this earth and died on the cross for us.

As we send off 2020, a most unusual year, we have a big favor to ask of you.
Would you please write a simple letter of encouragement to your sponsored child, student or pastor, using the letterhead we recently sent you? It would be such a great blessing and surprise for them.
May our Lord bring you and your family a new day of victory and glory in 2021!

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