Celebrating 27 Years: Glory to our God!

“Not to us, O Lord, not to us but to your name be the glory, because of your love and faithfulness.” (Ps 115:1)

It has been 27 years since our God called us to reach the ‘least of these’ in His love and compassion. And we simply want to bring all the glory to His wonderful name for what He has done through us. Even though we had nothing, our God has done most amazing works during past 27 years. And we know that He is not done and we are looking forward to witnessing greater glory in the future.

We also want to sincerely thank you, our sponsors, for your faithful partnership to giving life to many orphans, unfortunate children, pastors and others in great need. May our God richly reward you for all that you have done for the ‘least of these’ in this unsettle times!

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