It Has Begun!

The ABBA youth rallies have begun across Peru, and this year’s theme is “Heal our Hearts, Lord” (Psalms 147:3). In May and June, we witnessed miracles as the Lord touched and healed the hearts of pastors and leaders. Now, we invite you to join us in prayer for the conferences taking place in various regions of Peru this month:

  • May each participant and fellow servant of the Abba Conference experience a personal and healing encounter with God, Abba Father.
  • May God protect each one during their journey and the conference from all danger, temptation, and trial.
  • May everyone leave the Conference filled with the fire of the Holy Spirit and committed to proclaiming the gospel of Christ.
  • May the Holy Spirit take control of every detail of the Conference: Registration, Prayer, Praise, Preaching, Workshops, Ministry, Service, Order, Security, Evaluation, and more.
  • May the power of our Abba Father manifest for His glory, honor, and praise.

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