Our Greatest Battle Yet!

The recent history of Ecuador is riddled with gang violence. In 2021, Ecuador president Guillermo Lasso attempted to crush drug trafficking and production by declaring a state of emergency. Just weeks before this Presidential declaration, it was reported that a gang fight in a penitentiary that resulted in 119 inmates being killed and many more injured. However, this state of emergency would do little to calm the nation down as crimes and violent deaths continued to increase drastically. Both Guayaquil and Duran, major port cities, are the epicenter for cocaine traffickers as linchpin between two of the world’s largest producers of cocaine – Colombia and Peru. These major drug hubs are protected by the various Mexican Cartels who work with Ecuadorian gangs. It is this collaboration that has fueled the violence in Ecuador. Unfortunately, these gangs find the children and youth as easy prey, drawing them into their ranks either by choice or force. One day 10 members of a powerful gang walked into a local elementary school fully armed with weapons and threatened to kill the children if they didn’t do what they were told. Sadly and unfortunately, they carried out their threat and executed six children in front of the rest of the class. We are expecting a fierce spiritual battle in these regions as we start COJ Ecuador in obedience to our God’s call. While the drug cartels are there to take away their lives and use them for their evil purposes, COJ will be there to give life to these poor children in Jesus’ name. This will be our greatest battle yet. Therefore, we need all the firepower of your fervent prayers. Please pray for our almighty God to shatter the rods of these oppressors and to shine His great light upon the communities of Duran and Guayaquil. And please pray for God’s divine protection over all of our staff from the evil hands of these drug cartels. Also, please pray for the conviction and repentance of these gang members. Our God will give us great victory and the poor children of Duran will see the great light of Jesus Christ! Hallelujah!