Unstoppable Faith

After nine months of being away from school, children in India, including those at the Amazing Grace orphanage finally returned to school in January. Though the children were tutored at the home, they were ready to go back to school. However, the school systems now face the challenge of trying to fit an entire year’s worth of curriculum into five months. The Bible students are also resuming their studies and ministries after several months of staying home and Pastor Abraham’s church services have been continuing since October. For Pastor Abraham, his work never ceased. Twice a day, he gathered the children for prayer. He brought spiritual revival and encouragement to many local villages and led many to be baptized in the Lord’s name. Even now, his schedule is packed throughout the month of March with outreach events. Despite the looming possibility of a second wave of coronavirus, he is neither afraid nor discouraged but moving onward for the gospel of Jesus Christ. Pastor Abraham and his family have an unsinkable hope. A bottomless joy. An unmovable faith that springs from the depths of a great love for their mighty and great Savior. Pastor Abraham is not focused on the trials or challenges but on the lovely One who is in the midst of it all. He has faith in God. Thank you, dear sponsors, for your continued prayers, encouragement, and support for Pastor Abraham. Due to your faithful support, many lost souls in India are finding their eternal resting place in God’s presence through faith in Jesus Christ! Hallelujah!

Faithfulness of God

Tragic news came in the beginning of 2021 to Pastor Patricio Granada in Ancahuasi – Cusco. His daughter Ester, son-in-law Fredy, their two children David and Isaac, and two nephews Abraham and Abdiel had been on their way to Puerto Maldonado for a family trip. No one could have ever predicted that a car accident, in a single moment, would take three lives - Ester, Fredy and Abraham - and leave two of the three surviving severely injured; David fractured his skull and Abdiel broke his leg. Although Pastor Patricio and his wife Beatriz felt like they were in a nightmare they could not wake up from, they placed their faith in God and quickly gathered courage and strength to care for their grandchildren. Friends and community members encouraged Pastor Patricio and his family to raise funds through a food bazaar. Their goal was to sell 2,000 plates for 10.00 soles each (equivalent to about 2.70 USD) to cover for his grandchildren’s medical expenses. Upon hearing the news, pastors from all over Peru in ABBA, COJ, and ROL ministries and sponsors here in the States rallied together as one family. We collectively gathered a love offering to cover double their goal - 4,000 plates. Despite financial challenges from the pandemic, our family in Christ could not hold back from showing God’s love to a fellow brother who was in greater need. Pastor Patricio’s faith has not been wavering. He has a steadfast belief in God’s goodness. And our God responded to him with His amazing faithfulness. We ask for your continual prayers for Pastor Patricio’s family’s situation, as they seek wisdom on handling legal matters in the aftermath and for full recovery of Abdiel and David’s injuries.

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