For His Sheep…

God’s grace is overflowing even during this pandemic. We had not been able to see the Raven of Love pastors face-to-face in a long time, but this year, through Zoom, we were able to gather to celebrate Christ’s birth! We sang songs of joy and shared our thanksgiving unto the Lord for all He had done in 2020. We remembered that God never stops working. He is always with us, no matter the circumstance or situation we are in, and holds us closely in His arms. For most of the pastors, they were able to see the faces of their sponsors for the first time through a video Christmas greeting recording, and were very encouraged. It is by God’s grace and your continuous support these pastors have held steadfast to the Lord as they continue in ministry. You are the ravens that God has called to provide for his anointed servants, so they may continue to work more diligently for His sheep and to reach a lost world. We cannot thank you enough for what you are doing in the lives of these pastors as they continue to expand His kingdom here on earth. May our Lord abundantly bless you in the new year with His peace and joy!

Song of Christmas!

For many students, this past academic year has been a struggle. Constant issues with internet connection, uncertainty of what the next academic year will bring, and social distancing from both family and friends have made this time of year perhaps the most challenging yet. But there is a song being sung, a song of hope in Jesus to a melody that brings comfort and joy - “Te alabare (I praise you).” It was the song sung during the 2020 Riverside Tree Zoom Christmas party. All the students were excited to play games, share stories, and praise together- there was even a surprise message from one of their sponsors and a memorable rendition of Joy to the World and Feliz Navidad. The Riverside Tree students prayed for one another to receive encouragement and strength from God to complete their studies well and continue the work He started in them. In a time where hot cocoa and panettone are usually shared together, these things were not missed in the slightest. All that was needed was the love for one another in the presence of our great and loving Father God! In 2021, there will be a few more students that will join the Riverside Tree family, so if you are moved by Holy Spirit to help support one of these students, please contact the HHK WMC to see how you can start!

Be Blessed!

We greet you in the most wonderful and beautiful name of Jesus Christ. There was a great lesson and understanding gained through our experience during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. We have realized that we do not live by bread alone but by every word that comes out of the mouth of our God, as recorded in Deuteronomy 8 and Matthew 4. We do not live by our own strength and power but by God’s wonderful grace. News of many non-profit organizations, churches and mission centers reducing their work force due to serious financial trouble from the COVID-19 pandemic have reached our ears and our hearts are heavy and ache for them. We are only doing much better than we had expected or hoped for because of your faithful and passionate support even during these challenging times. Your unending love for those in need is a very powerful encouragement and comfort for all of us here at Hanhee Kim World Mission Center. We don’t have enough words to describe our gratitude for your kindness and generosity. We are praying ever so fervently that in 2021 “your herds and flocks will grow large, your silver and gold will increase, and all you have is multiplied” (Deuteronomy 8:13). Most of all, may you be filled with the Holy Spirit this year. Once again, we want to express our sincere thanks for your continuous support and our love for you.

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