To God be the Glory- from COJ ministry partners

In Mark 10:13-16, we see a sweet scene where Jesus blesses the children, showing his love towards them in a world where they were viewed as unimportant and a hindrance. Jesus publicly displays his love without discrimination. Today, we see the little ones vulnerable in their families and social environment. However, as they learn the Word of God they are strengthened. There’s no doubt that Jesus alone inspires our hearts to do good, and we can’t thank you enough, dear sponsors, for the love you show through prayers and offerings for your child in the Children of Jesus ministry. The blessings that our God prepares for them becomes a reality when they eat together after Sunday School, receive their gifts for school and Christmas, and when you come on mission trips to meet them. The time you spent with them lifts their spirits and leaves a lasting impact on their lives. May we continue to look at the children through the eyes of our Lord. We know and believe that God has been and will continue to be you and your family’s sustainer. Let us continue to follow in the steps of our Master by sharing his love with others. Read more from other COJ ministry partners!

Current Situation

Throughout the month of November, we were able to check-in individually with our 23 COJ partner churches through Zoom meetings and encourage pastors to keep pressing onward, with the wisdom and strength God provides throughout the continuation of testing times. In addition, we were able to discover the reality churches and children faced. While there were some churches where COVID-19 had ravaged their communities, most churches in more remote areas were untouched by COVID-19. However, though not affected by the disease directly, churches and children have suffered from spiritual collateral damage. Pastors and Sunday School teachers have tried to stay connected with the children, but their efforts have been limited by government-enforced prohibition of group gatherings throughout most of this year. Also, the lack of appropriate resources for digital communication (eg. cell phone) – and much less virtual communication (eg. Internet) – has rendered children isolated, without adequate access to education and spiritual nourishment. At this time, some churches have recently started to gather, some in planning stages to start gathering in the new year, and yet still many are clouded by uncertainty. The government set forth new protocols for churches to be able to re-open and some face challenges to meet the requirements. Things are out of our control. We realize this yet again. We have to seek on our knees, now more than ever, the face and help of the only one who is in absolute control. We ask that you would join alongside us and pray for God to re-open the doors of houses of worship and for the children in Peru –that they would able to pursue their studies once again and that the love and passion for Him would be reignited in their hearts.

Better Tomorrow

This past summer, we couldn’t see the bright and beautiful stars of the Colorado night skies due to the heavy and thick smoke from the record-setting wild fires. In 2020, many of us could not see our beloved family members due to the COVID-19. But for many poor and neglected children in this world, they could not even see the hope of tomorrow due to the heavy burden of poverty. And yet, because of the sacrificial efforts of the firefighters, Colorado skies are twinkling again; because of the well-focused research of scientists, the world is preparing for a joyous reunion. And because of caring and loving sponsors, many poor children are envisioning a better and brighter future. Your love is bearing fruit! But we confess that above all else this is only possible by the grace of our almighty God. Whether it’s the wild fires, COVID-19, or seemingly unconquerable poverty, we are certain we will face a new day of victory and glory because our Lord Jesus came to this earth and died on the cross for us. As we send off 2020, a most unusual year, we have a big favor to ask of you. Would you please write a simple letter of encouragement to your sponsored child, student or pastor, using the letterhead we recently sent you? It would be such a great blessing and surprise for them. May our Lord bring you and your family a new day of victory and glory in 2021!

With the Heart of Jesus….

The coronavirus pandemic has changed the world we are living in. Many people in the impoverished regions of Peru are struggling to survive each day. And many lives are at great risk due to the lack of medical facilities and support. Our COJ pastors are not an exception. One pastor passed away from COVID-19 and many other pastors and their families suffered as the infection ran its course. They were without work to provide the food for their families and had to endure the pain of witnessing many of their church members struggle greatly. All they could do was to pray to our God. Then, our wonderful God answered their prayers through the sacrificial giving of the sponsors. Praise the Lord! Their obedience helped one pastor repair his collapsing house and another pastor to finally provide food for his own family; from the abundance given to him, he shared it to provide basic necessities for struggling families in his church. We are singing “Then sings my soul, my Savior God to thee” as we witness the amazing grace of our Lord shown through sponsors with the mind and heart of the Christ during these difficult times. Hallelujah!

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