Childlike Faith

Six dollars. There’s not much many of us could think to do with six dollars. We probably wouldn’t even notice if it were to go missing. However, for 9-year old Rachelle, this was a fortune, part of the birthday money she received that could have been put towards buying a new toy she really wanted.

When her mom suggested giving it to the child their family was sponsoring in Peru, Rachelle made up her mind to do just that. She walked into the mission center office with her six, crisp one-dollar bills and a big smile on her face. She was excited to be able to share the love of Jesus and the blessing she had received to bless another. We know Rachelle’s offering, just like the five loaves and two fish given by a young boy to feed 5000, is so precious in God’s eyes and that He will use it in a mighty way to touch and change a life.

On our recent day of fasting and prayer on July 17th, many families joined together to cry out to God. One particular family decided they would not only pray, but also each give an offering to HHK WMC. The 3 young daughters and a visiting nephew were moved by Holy Spirit to sow into God’s kingdom. The following is the testimony of the eldest daughter, Esther, who is currently in 7th grade:

“The reason I gave an offering is because I cannot do anything outside that has to do with God [due to quarantine]. I keep teaching and telling myself of the great blessings God has given me. I chose to give my money thinking: ‘I will help however I can, wherever I am.’ No matter how long I am quarantined, I will help, and that makes me who God really made me to be.”

How bright and full of hope our future is! Stories like these leave us without a doubt that God is raising up a next generation that knows His heart and acts in obedience. Let us be encouraged by the fruit of our prayers for the next generation and keep pressing on!

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